badezimmer fliesen ideen modern

badezimmer fliesen ideen modern

the versace ceramics collection are the outcome of the elective affinity that links the fashion house to the gardenia orchidea group. a story with deep roots that tells of sublime materials and stimulating encounters. a fascinating story just waiting to bediscovered. the success of the first such a brandbegan its growth in the eighties when the maison delighted consumers allover the world by establishing its distinctive style through daring artistry tailoredfinishing embroidery

and meticulously created details. at the peak of his career gianni versace decided to express his talent in new creative contexts and chose the home as the ideal location. the perfect medium for the lifestyle already created withhis fashion collections. at this time the sources of inspirationwere the splendors of the lost roman villas, renaissance culture and laterneo-classical aesthetics. the collections aimed for the best andfor absolute quality. and so from 1997, in gardenia orchidea, the fashion house found its partner ofchoice, which shared objectives and values.

palace living is a collection that morethan any other demonstrates the evolution of the versace homeinteriors project' today, with the brand you livinggold line, it unveils a fresh interpretation ofcontemporary luxury. extra large sizes, soloski crystal and new surface textures. decoration worth its weight in gold. large spaces: the gold line brings extra largeforty by eighty and twenty by eighty centimeter tiles, perfectly rectified slabs

designed for even the most refined rooms. objective light: purest swarovski crystalsare inserted into crystal slabs using an exclusive process patented,becoming precious decorative elements. pvd treatment: the pvd (physical vapordeposition) process patented by nasa, is based on theprinciple of the vacuum evaporation of metals. the medals are condensed to form a film,which is deposited on surfaces, making them extremely hard, withoutstanding resistance to corrosion. leading details: ongoing aesthetic and technical research providesunprecedented decorative designs,

to make each room personal an exclusive. style and flexibility: the wide range ofsizes, colours and special pieces puts all theelements but the designers disposal, necessary for obtaining a perfectfinal effect. ricamol surfaces: thethree dimensional effect living gold is achieved through a special polishingprocess. only the outermost raised edges of the ceramic surface are polished,thus creating by bas relief patterns semi polished surfaces: gardenia orchidea exclusive, full feel, semi polishing using floating grinding wheels for thecreation surfaces with a watery effect.

contrasting colours: black and white tones forstark areas with the minimal chic flare but also natural tones for a highlycharming final result. shaded effect: the pigment mixing technologyhas been studied to give shading effects which vary from piece to piece, enhancing the natural appearance ofstone. the guarantee of the brand, the versace signature, is embossed onto every single element byway of safeguarding the interests of the consumer. house living is unequaled in terms ofthe qualitative levels achieved.

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