besta wohnzimmer ideen

besta wohnzimmer ideen

there are very few people who know about the real size of my collection. you can always really only see the tip of this huge heap, i'd say. i bought my first pair of sneakers in 1989 from the money i earned as a trainee. i really started collecting about 15 years ago. actually, it wasn't consciously at first, but later i was more aware of it, and it became more and more. at some point i had to realise that it was more than just a passion. the whole thing escalated a bit and brought me to where i am today -- on this mountain of shoes. they are everywhere, all over the flat. sneakers are put wherever there is space left.

yes, it has turned out fantastic -- a lot more space, a lot more light than before -- and i can finally enjoy my hobby again, which wasn't possible before. what i really like is that i can put sneakers out into the spotlight, with not all of them in the boxes where you can't see them anyway. what i also find great is my turntables getting their own space so i can finally listen to music again. now you can really recognise it as a living room again, and it can be used as such.

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