dachboden wohnzimmer ideen

dachboden wohnzimmer ideen

i'll start with my wife; when we go for a walk at the sea of course she says are you crazy? what's the point of that? or when i am carrying an oil smeared shoe along the beach and people come across my way, that happend to me before, they gaze after me and might think if they should section me. but when it is exhibited in the right light all of a sudden it gets interesting and everyone likes it. in advance, when they see my car full of dirt and trash and wood - no one understands that my name is christof mã¼ller

and normally i am working with children and teenagers in youth guesthouses in my other life i think i am something like an artist meanwhile driftwood became the main focus of my work. currently for me it`s the most important thing to get a lot of fun out of my work because i am not economically dependent on it. and anyway most of the stuff i am doing is non-saleable. it has not much to do with it and when i get high regard for my work and people find it exciting or nice or interesting,

perfect - thats the reason why i'm doing it. well, of course i enjoy beach walks when there are only a few people around and the only thing you can hear is the sea - that puts my mind at rest. and when i can find some interesting, attractive things i take them with me many years ago i spotted an old attic on a farm in my small village which i can rent for a very small price thats how i got a place to store my finds out of my findings i have a favorite; it weights more than 300 kilograms it looks like a crucifix and is 3,5 meters high

i found it many years ago at the beach came there a lot of times to see if it's still there and also just to look at it. and many people are smiling, they are happy or they have no idea what to do with it with the exhibits, especially with the shoes or pictures of the shoes it's alway the question who wants to see this or find it interesting these are always my doubts before i start but i experienced a lot of interest and support from people who found it exciting, interesting or good so i'm going on...

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