schallschutz wohnzimmer

schallschutz wohnzimmer

a room's acoustics has a wide effect on the sound quality in home theatres, hi-fi- or control rooms. even the outstanding sound of professional studio monitors or hi-fi speakers can be strongly compromised by uncontrolled acoustics. especially the low end sounds unbalanced and muddy in untreated rooms. but how can you improve your room's acoustics in that frequency range? while high frequencies are radiated directional, low frequencies are radiated spherical. all sound waves are reflected at massive room boundaries. caused by overlapping reflections, standing waves (so-called room modes) form between parallel walls. these room modes occur any time amultiple of a half wavelength fits between two walls.

therefore, the deepest resonance in a room is the frequency whose half wavelength equals the largest distance between two parallel surfaces. beside these so-called axial modes, tangential modes in cuboid rooms occur between four surfaces and oblique modes occur between six surfaces. in this way nodes and antinodes arise, meaning boosts and reductions of various frequency bands in different positions in the room. depending on the loudspeaker's position, each mode is animated in a different degree. in different listening positions, room modes are heard in different levels.

usually a simple variation of the listening position or the position of the speakers can change the composition of cut or boosted frequencies. in order to effectively avoid a distortion of the room's frequency response, room modes have to be absorbed. the best solution for this purpose is to pile basstraps with sufficient volume in the corners of the room. the dispersion of room modes from alldimensions is most equal here. now the low end sounds more clear and powerful and your speakers can unfold their whole worth.

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