dekoration selber machen taufe

dekoration selber machen taufe

hello tankers! in today’s episode, we’ll be telling you about the balancechanges for shaft, hammer and isida. we’ll also be announcing theupcoming iron days festivities, and a live stream with cedricfrom the english community, and tanki’s game-designer, semyon strizhak...also known as hazel-rah. let’s start with the latest news the balance changes forisida, hammer and shaft.

first, shaft. arcade shot damage now decreasesover distance, same as for thunder. the time between shots insniper mode has been increased. and the turret’s rotation speed insniper mode has been decreased. but! the maximum damage in snipermode has been increased, making it powerful enoughto destroy a medium hull. and following your feedback, we’veslightly reduced the scope’s zooming effect so we’ve improved sniper shot, andmade arcade shot weaker at long range.

the idea is to make an even biggerdistinction between the two firing modes. so, sniper mode is for long range,arcade mode is for close range. next, hammer. clip reload time now takes 1 second longer. we’ve also cut the numberof pellets down to one third, but increased each pellet’sdamage and kinetic power, so the turret still deals the sameamount of damage and pushback when hitting with the full amount of pellets. additionally, hammer’s pelletswill now bounce off surfaces.

now some players will go “what for? hammer isn’t ricochet!”...without even having tried it. you’re right. hammer is not ricochet. in fact, hammer fires pellets,and they will only bounce once. so these turrets remain very different. this new hammer feature is great forplaying town-maps with lots of vertical walls. but watch out for self-damage.

there are also some other pluses: the time between shots in aclip has been decreased, and the vertical aiming anglehas been increased. isida! isida had been prettyimbalanced for a long time. then, some time ago, we nerfed it,but we went a little bit too far, so now we’ve given it a good boost. we’ve also removed self-healing, to make a clear distinction betweenthe two roles of the turret in battle.

so, vampirism has been removed, and we’renot planning on bringing it back for now. however, we’ve seriouslyincreased the turret’s damage. but the most interesting part is that isida’s energy consumption changesdepending on the way it’s being used. so, isida’s damage output is now higher, and a full energy bar lasts5 seconds, as in the past. however, healing teammates nowconsumes half the amount of energy, so the turret is now twiceas effective at healing. and if you don’t have a target,

it will take you 20 secondsto waste a full energy bar. that’s 4 times longer than in the past. for full details on the update, check out the tanki-wiki andthe patch notes in the forum. it’s time for some unexpected news. this weekend, on the 18thand 19th of february, we’ll be running an experiment for 48 hours we’ll be temporarily changingthe parameters of garage supplies, the ones you use by clicking1-2-3-4-5 on your keyboard.

supplies in tanki give youa huge advantage in battle. a tank with double armourand double damage activated, is roughly 4 times as powerful asthe same tank without buffs. because of this, supplies almost alwaysbeat skill, and we’re not happy with that. so, we’ve decided to experiment with supplies, and give our players a chance toplay a different kind of tanki online. and now the numbers: for those 48 hours, we’ll beturning off smart cooldowns. but!

ð¢he active time forsupplies will be 30 seconds. the cooldown for repeated useof the same supply will be increased. supplies will not be reactivatedif you’re destroyed and you won’t be able to activate suppliesimmediately upon entering a battle. you’ll have to wait. note that these changeswill not affect supply drops. those will keep functioning as usual. with these settings,we want to increase the value of dropped and garage supplies thatcan be bought or earned in daily missions.

we know it’s cool to activateall supplies at the same time, but if you time it incorrectly, you will not be able to activate one of yourbuffs such as double armour for a long time. video of the week. last time we asked you to show uswhat the new twins could do. let’s see the best video of the lot. not bad! for next time, make afrag-movie with isida... it should be a lot easier now.

remember, we said frag-movie, not parkour. so, we wanna see some cool kills. good luck! saint valentine’s day has come and gone, but we’ve got morefestivities planned for you. next up is the iron days event, which will be starting on thursdayand taking place over 4 days. in addition to decorationsand a holiday paint, we’ll be having new in-game gifts,gold boxes dropping more often,

a special daily mission,a special shop bundle, and of course, garage and shop sales. we’ll give you all the details onwednesday, february the 22nd. for next week, we’ve decidedto try something new. there will not be a vlog on friday. instead, cedric, our englishcommunity manager, together with tanki’s game-designer,semyon strizhak, will be making a live-stream discussingrecent updates and upcoming plans, answering your questions,and of course, playing tanki!

you can post your questionsin the special forum thread. the link is in the v-log’s description. make sure you don’t miss it. the exact time and date will beannounced closer to the event. that’s it for today! we wish you a great weekend and lotsof fun with the iron days event! see ya! last week we showed tinyfragments from a map, and you had to guess its name.

the correct answer is... valley. here are our winners andhere is the new question!

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