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hey guys, we're going to do a christmas task. as hunter is holding a gingerbread man, whatis your favorite holiday candy? candy cane, candy cane. what is the worst thing that someone couldgive you as a gift. a plant or socks. a plant or socks, ok. all right hunter what are yours? a barbie or make-up. what? you don't want make-up?
i thought for sure, all right barbie and make-upand socks and a plant for kelly. favorite movie about a holiday? nightmare before christmas, nightmare beforechristmas. oh you both agree on it? who is the best reindeer? vixen, dancer. prancer and dancer, and vixen and comet andcupid and how about rudolph. i ike rudolph too, he is my first favvoriteand then my second favorite and prancer is third.
all right..did anyone get that? i'm completely lost. one more time, whose your favorite reindeer? rudolph, kelly whose your favorite, blitzen. all right have you ever kept a new years resolution? if you did what was it? no, we're kids of course we don't keep them. ha ha ha ha you too kelly? i do have a resolution.
blinking lights or not blinking, kelly? blinking or not blinking? blinking. would you rather open a gift get, money ora gift card? kind of money. wait. money cause then i can spend it on whateveri want to in whatever store. all right, kelly's money. hunter gift card cause normally i get moregift cards...oh i remember when you were little
and you just wanted to open an empty box. those were the days, now its gift cards andmoney. on thanksgiving day what side dish do youskip? cranberry sauce. umm i'd go for bread because