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item #: scp-122 object class: keter special containment procedures: scp-122 isto be stored in a standard containment chamber, containing a single electrical outlet. no personnel dormitories are to be constructedwithin 500 m of the containment area. at no time should scp-122 enter an unpoweredstate. several redundant power systems are to bemaintained and inspected regularly. in the event of scp-122-1 manifestation, 35members of site personnel assigned to enact containment are to be deployed outside thecontainment chamber.

if it becomes hostile, procedure-99-renmaris to be enacted. to enact procedure-99-renmar, all subjectsare to assume specific positions in and around the containment chamber, in order to preventa containment breach. two subjects are to man a portable generatorwith which the equipment used in procedure-99-renmar is powered. three subjects are to be equipped with chemicalirritants created as a by-product of scp-1837, which has been found to have a inhibitoryeffect on scp-122-1 instances. after all instances of scp-122-1 have beenreduced to the point where entry is safe, five subjects are to enter the containmentchamber, and use an electrical extension cord

from the generator to return scp-122 to apowered state. these personnel are to be considered irrecoverableafter entering scp-122's containment chamber, due to its effect. the remaining personnel are redundant; theywill take the place of any incapacitated personnel. description: scp-122 is a children’s nightlightin the design of a stylized shooting star. when it is in a powered state, scp-122 letsoff between 14-20 lx. no manufacturers mark is present on or withinscp-122's components. when in an unpowered state, scp-122 will affectall subjects within a 500 m radius of its location.

when the subjects enter rem sleep, they willmove into a comatose state in which they will remain until scp-122 is resupplied with power. while comatose, humanoid figures appearingto be composed of a black, slightly translucent mass will appear from any shadows around thesubject. these figures are hereafter known as instancesof scp-122-1. instances of scp-122-1 exhibit signs of sapienceand sentience, with physical abilities roughly equivalent to the affected subjects. they will attempt to locate as many humansubjects as possible, and expose them to scp-122's effect.

as more subjects are affected by scp-122,its radius of effect will expand, with the maximum range seen in testing being over 2.7kilometers. the scp-122-1 instances will attempt to gatherall sleep aids within the area of effect and apply them to the subjects. these objects have included: insomnia medicationtraditional medicines known to be used as treatment with insomniacspillows, blankets, mattresses and bed frames media such as lullabies. when in a powered state, scp-122 will affectthe sleep patterns of all subjects within

its radius. if a subject awakens from a state of rem sleepwhile within scp-122's radius, they will display signs of insomnia, and will complain of unusualdreams. these dreams have been found to cause minorpsychological disturbances, and all personnel should be given weekly psychological evaluations. see incident 122-1. scp-122 was discovered within the linnellchildren’s hospital on ██/██/███, after several reports of scp-122-1 manifestationsreached locally embedded agents. when the area was investigated, it was foundthat all subjects within the building had

been affected by scp-122. recovered documents indicate that a patientbrought scp-122 when being admitted. however, no record of the patient's identityhas been found. agents secured scp-122 with a portable powersource, and it was transported to site-19. addendum 122-b: scp-122 reclassified to keterfollowing incident 122-1. moved to armed reliquary containment area-02. incident 122-1: on ██/██/███, 11instances of scp-122-1 breached containment, causing the death of over █ members of sitepersonnel and ██ casualties. following re-containment operations, scp-122'scontainment procedures were put under review.

during this review, security footage of severalmaintenance personnel tampering with scp-122's chamber-lock was discovered. when questioned, the subjects claimed thatthey had done so under duress, saying that a "canary" was not allowing them to sleepuntil they released scp-122. affected subjects were given class-a amnestics,and containment procedures were revised. upgrade to keter requested. item #: scp-072 object class: safe special containment procedures: all knowninstances of scp-072 are to be contained in

a 3.5 by 4 meter holding cell. access is allowed only during authorized testingprocedures. without prior approval from senior researchergrant, no materials created for the purpose of being slept on are to be introduced intoa 15-meter vicinity of the holding cell. description: instances of scp-072 were firstdiscovered in an apartment building in ████████, michigan, after two local media reports on scp-072’seffects caused a local panic which drew the attention of embedded foundation agent ███████. scp-072 is a shadowy and translucent projectionwhich resembles a .9-meter-long hand, the ‘fingers’ of which taper to a sharp point.

detailed recording of scp-072 is difficult,as it does not manifest at light levels above 5 lux. instances of scp-072 have only been observedto manifest when a human (hereafter referred to as “the subject”) enters rem sleepwhile located in a bed ‘infected’ by scp-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to openair. if these conditions are satisfied, scp-072will emerge from the foot of the bed and appear to use its pointer finger to ‘tap’ onthe subject’s foot until they awaken. subjects have reported that, at this point,they were unable to move, showing symptoms similar to sleep paralysis.

this continues as long as scp-072 is visible. scp-072 will then use its pointed fingersto cut portions of flesh from the exposed parts of the subject's foot or feet. it will return to within the bed in betweeneach removal, emerging without the collected material. this will continue until scp-072 has takenall of the exposed foot or feet, stopping at the ankle. though subjects exposed to scp-072 reportthis process to be immensely painful, its paralytic effects render them unable to screamor call for help.

it is unknown if manifestations of scp-072feed on the collected material or use them for some other purpose. as long as the wounds are properly treated,scp-072’s effects are not fatal, but have been observed to cause psychological damagerelating to sleep in the future. there is also a secondary effect: any bedwithin an approximately 10-meter vicinity of a bed which manifests the effects of scp-072will also host an instance of scp-072. destruction of a bed affected by scp-072 revealsno anomalous materials and no trace of biological material removed from subjects. addendumlist of known scp-072 objects:

scp-072-1, -2, and -3, recovered from originalapartment complex, three twin-sized beds which were located within 10 meters of one another. scp-072-4, a king-sized four-poster bed contaminatedduring scp-072’s time in site-██ temporary anomalous objects holding. scp-072-5, a sleeping bag with bottom removedintroduced to scp-072-1 for testing. when d-2191 entered rem sleep in object, [dataexpunged]. scp-072-5 not recommended for testing in future. scp-072-6 and -7, beds introduced to scp-072-2and later destroyed for examination. remains of scp-072-6 and -7 appear unaffected,but are to be contained until further studies

may be completed. item #: scp-280 special containment procedures: scp-280 isto be contained in a 5 x 5 meter cell, and no equipment of any kind is to be left insidewhen staff are not present. containment area is to be kept in total darknessat all times. any items taken into the containment cellmust be removed by staff at the end of testing, and any staff entering into containment mustwear infrared goggles and be equipped with an infrared id strobe and a strong flashlight. in the event of an scp-280 attack, all staffare to power on their flashlights and illuminate

the subject under attack. no aggressive action is to be taken againstscp-280, and staff are to keep one meter from scp-280 at all times. staff should continue to illuminate scp-280until it retreats to a sufficient distance to allow the recovery and extraction of thesubject of the attack. description: scp-280 is a black human-shapedmass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. no feet or legs are visible, as the lowerportion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground.

scp-280 appears to be wholly composed of matterthat can gain or lose corporeal form. this matter is very black, with only the eyesshowing any other color, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke. the eyes are non-functioning, and appear onlywhen scp-280 is retreating, appearing to be used like eyespots on some insects. scp-280 is very strong, and has been observedpulling apart steel with its hands, showing no sign of stress. scp-280 moves with a gliding motion, withits hands extended, described as a “sleepwalker pose” by observers.

scp-280 will move slowly towards any humanbeings and attempt to attack them. scp-280 appears to sense human life; no limithas yet been found on this ability. scp-280 will approach to within 14 centimetersof a subject, and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, causing massive physicaltrauma. the attack can last between one and five minutes,and will continue until the death of the subject, at which point scp-280 will expose its eyes,lose corporeal form, and move to the next human. if no humans are present, scp-280 will moveand ball up against a wall or other structure until a human being is again present.

scp-280 will retreat slowly from light, exposingits eyes in the direction of the light, or at any nearby humans. this has been described as extremely disconcertingby those who have been stared at. if the area that scp-280 currently residesin becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, scp-280 willfade away and re-appear in another area. this appears to be done purely as a defensiveresponse to light, and will not be used to follow or attack prey. scp-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, orsleep. it does not ingest any of the tissue removedduring an attack, and simply drops it to tear

a new piece. due to its ability to become incorporeal atwill, and its aggressive nature, no samples of scp-280 have been collected. addendum: notes on recovery scp-280 was recovered in ██████████, mississippiafter several reports of locked-room murders and child deaths. all were reported as being extremely vicious,and victims were "horribly mangled." the foundation became involved after a familyof five was murdered in their home. a survivor was found in the basement, 9-year-olddavid ██████, who had come over

for a sleep over. he was found in an advanced state of shock,holding a flashlight and unresponsive to outside stimulus. during an investigation of the basement, anofficer was attacked and badly mutilated. his statement attracted the interest of foundationagents. during recovery, scp-280 was temporarily lostdue to its ability to teleport when exposed to high levels of light. it was also observed that scp-280 is frequentlydiscounted as a shadow when seen in the dark, or dismissed as clothing, hair, or anotherobject when accidentally touched in the dark.

when tracking a subject, scp-280 will remainincorporeal until the moment of attack, causing some to walk very close to or through scp-280. subjects report a feeling of dread and uneasewhen inside scp-280. scp-280 usually does not respond to this,but will sometimes expose its eyes and enter its retreating posture when passed through. no pattern has emerged for this behavior. item #: scp-1112 special containment procedures: scp-1112 isto be locked in containment cell 1112 at all times.

permission to study scp-1112 must go throughdr. ██████. as items are fragile, personnel are advised to handle objects withcare. no further precautions are necessary. description: scp-1112 is the collective designationfor four (4) han dynasty-era chinese shadow puppets dated circa ███ ce. the items are cut from painted leather andstand 30 centimeters (12 in.) tall, typical of the era’s design. wooden sticks fastened to the joints animatethe figures. when not operated, the objects do not exhibitany abnormal properties.

scp-1112's perceptual effects manifest whenthe objects are animated between a light source and translucent screen by one or more individuals,as in traditional shadow plays. all members of the play’s audience willperceive individual figures as the silhouettes of deceased, estranged or otherwise unattainablepersons in their lives. the silhouette figures 'perform' scenes fromtheir lives that either correspond to a subject's memories or are speculative and metaphoricalin nature. no commonalities have been observed acrossall plays, except that they only include the deceased person(s) as the subject of the scene. only the silhouettes are visible and willoften interact with invisible characters and

props (see experiment log 1112-1 for documentedscenes). each figure is archetypal in design and symbolizesa category of interpersonal relationship, such as parental, familial or romantic bonds. the subject perceives each figure as an unattainableperson with whom they shared that particular connection. where no persons in the subject’s life correspondto a figure, the puppet is non-anomalous. close observation of the silhouettes by subjectshave revealed they behave as the real individuals in all aspects, even mirroring nervous ticsand gesticulations only the viewer would have been privy to.

the silhouettes move with a fluidity and precisionthat would be impossible with ordinary shadow puppets. the figures, however, do not vocalize. note that male figures can be observed asfemale silhouettes, and vice versa. the list of scp-1112 items currently includes: scp-1112-1: a concubine figure in a traditionalgown. often observed as the individual's dead lover,ex-wife, old flame, or an object of unrequited affection. scp-1112-2: an emperor figure wearing battlearmor and brandishing a sword.

observed as the subject’s dead/estrangedfather or father figure. scp-1112-3: an empress figure in royal wear. observed as the subject's dead/estranged motheror mother figure. scp-1112-4: an ornately adorned ascetic figurewith a demonic visage. observed as a person that has inflicted physicaland/or psychological trauma on the subject. although there have been no recorded effectsof memetic compulsion to animate the items, individuals that do so (hereby referred toas users) become silent until the current ‘play’ is concluded. looking behind the screen reveals no causeof the figure’s perceptual effects; the

users simply operate the puppets accordingto their desires and ability but are unresponsive to external stimuli. as long as the figures are being moved behindthe screen, scp-1112's effects will manifest. when the user ceases operating the figures,all scenes will conclude together, however varied in nature. the play users perform is never seen by theaudience and has no bearing on the subject matter perceived. the nature and content of the performancesis tailored specifically to individual members of the audience, even if other persons arepresent in room.

content of scenes tends to vary wildly dependingon the figures used, the status of the subject’s relationship with the perceived persons, andother psychological predilections. due to the intimate and emotional subjectmatter of the performances, understanding the context of documented scenes is dependenton the subject’s interpretation of what are often private, inscrutable, and disturbingrevelations into their loved one’s lives. recorded plays with only one figure have includedscenes depicting the person’s final hours in real time, birth, childhood, traumaticexperiences, everyday life, personal triumphs and more esoteric scenes that could not possiblyhave occurred, but are inferred to be symbolic representations of some aspect of the lateperson's life.

plays that have included multiple figureshave deviated wildly in content, such as the figures holding a roundtable discussion ontheir opinion of the subject (inferred due to lack of vocalizations), to [data expunged]. experiment log 1112-1 experiment 1112-001:subject: d-12344, middle-aged male with deceased motherfigures: 1112-2 reported description: subject became increasinglyagitated over the duration of the play, and became hostile when questioned by dr. ██████. subjectwas sedated and forcibly contained in a psychiatric holding cell until dr. ██████ explainedthe nature of scp-1112 and was able to coax

d-12344 into cooperating. subject reportedly witnessed a silhouetteof his late mother violently assaulted by an invisible assailant for three minutes andthirty four seconds. scene matched the memory subject had of anidentical assault by his mother's then-partner, a ██████ ██████ ofwichita, kansas. foundation agents were able to procure appropriaterecords from the wpd and found a domestic assault charge from ██/██/████. attachedpolice report confirmed the sequence of events. we've established the veracity of the scenesscp-1112 presents to us, so we know it is either capable of limited omniscience in regardsto what it 'performs' for its viewers or that

it somehow dredges up old memories. research is ongoing - dr. ██████ experiment 1112-003subject: d-13996, middle-aged male with deceased parentsfigures: 1112-2 and 1112-3 reported description: subject described havingobserved the silhouettes of his mother and father ballroom dancing for nine minutes andfourteen seconds. d-13996 was unaware of the scene ever occurring,and stressed their marriage was generally untroubled. whether the play event was a re-enactmentof a real life occurrence or a metaphorical

interpretation of a relationship on the partof the item is as of yet undetermined. experiment 1112-013subject: d-19564, late-20s female with deceased parents and ex-husbandfigures: 1112-1, -2, and -3 reported description: subject reported tohave observed younger silhouettes of mother and father engaged in conversation with ex-husband. at approximately the four minute mark, theex-husband reportedly placed his arm around the mother's waist, provoking a physical altercationbetween the two males. subject's father was apparently knocked unconscious. play ended on shot of ex-husband and motherin physical embrace.

subject became flustered while recountingthe event. placed in holding cell until conditions improve. we don't know if the items are deliberatelyfabricating psychologically harmful content, or if it is simulating some of its subjectmatter based on real, unquantifiable variables. we just don't know. - dr. ██████ experiment 1112-030subject: d-13961, middle-aged male with a deceased motherfigures: 1112-3 reported description: subject observed thesilhouette of his mother methodically dismembering

itself over the span of an hour. figure began with rear, progressed to thethighs, stomach, backside, and was amputating its left arm before d-13961 became hostileand testing was halted. the figure appeared to be unaffected despitesevere blood loss. d-13961 became extremely unnerved as sceneprogressed and was placed in a holding cell for the remainder of the day. in a follow-up interview, d-13961 explainedhis mother had struggled with body dysmorphic disorder. subject confirmed she had recently expiredof natural causes.

even the most bizarre scenes have some basisin reality. — dr. ██████ experiment 1112-032subject: d-18431, teenaged male incarcerated for murderfigures: 1112-4 and 1112-1 reported description: 1112-4 reportedly manifestedas [redacted]. 1112-4 proceeded to 1112-1 huddled on thefar side of the screen and [data expunged]. testing halted when subject broke restraintsand assaulted user. terminated ahead of schedule. first documented instance of a prop item materializingon screen.

1112-4 noted to have felt slightly warm totouch for next hour. item #: scp-017 special containment procedures: scp-017 iscontained in an acrylic glass cage, 100 cm by 50 cm by 50 cm, centrally suspended ina concrete room measuring 6 m by 6 m by 4 m. attached to the walls, ceiling, and floorof the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensurethat scp-017 is constantly exposed to light from every angle. personnel assigned to the scp-017 controlroom are to monitor the functionality of the

spotlights and the emergency generator systemand call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issuewith the generator. the only circumstance under which personnelare allowed entrance is to replace lamps. personnel entering the room are required towear the designated full-body reflective suits, and must be cautioned not to step in frontof functional spotlights. description: scp-017 is a humanoid figureapproximately 80 centimeters in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernibleidentifying features. scp-017 seems composed of a shadowy, smoke-likeshroud. no attempt to find any object beneath theshroud has been successful, but the possibility

has not been ruled out. scp-017's reaction to shadows cast upon itis immediate and swift. scp-017 leaps at the object casting the shadowand completely encloses it in its shroud, whereupon it returns to its normal size, leavingno trace of the object behind. additional notes: personnel with beta clearanceor higher should see also document #017-1. containing a single electrical outlet. nopersonnel dormitories are to be constructed within 500 m of the containment area. at notime should scp-122 enter an unpowered state. several redundant power systems are to bemaintained and inspected regularly. in the event of scp-122-1 manifestation, 35 membersof site personnel assigned to enact containment

are to be deployed outside the containmentchamber. if it becomes hostile, procedure-99-renmar is to be enacted. the containment chamber, in order to preventa containment breach. two subjects are to man a portable generator with which the equipmentused in procedure-99-renmar is powered. three subjects are to be equipped with chemicalirritants created as a by-product of scp-1837, from the generator to return scp-122 to apowered state. these personnel are to be considered irrecoverable after entering scp-122's containmentchamber, due to its effect. when it is in a powered state, scp-122 letsoff between 14-20 lx. no manufacturers mark is present on or within scp-122's components.

location. when the subjects enter rem sleep,they will move into a comatose state in which they will remain until scp-122 is resuppliedwith power. while comatose, humanoid figures appearing to be composed of a black, slightlytranslucent mass will appear from any shadows around the subject. these figures are hereafterknown as instances of scp-122-1. equivalent to the affected subjects. theywill attempt to locate as many human subjects as possible, and expose them to scp-122'seffect. as more subjects are affected by scp-122, its radius of effect will expand, with themaximum range seen in testing being over 2.7 kilometers. the scp-122-1 instances will attemptto gather all sleep aids within the area of effect and apply them to the subjects. theseobjects have included:

media such as lullabies.when in a powered state, scp-122 will affect the sleep patterns of all subjects withinits radius. if a subject awakens from a state of rem sleep while within scp-122's radius,they will display signs of insomnia, and will complain of unusual dreams. these dreams havebeen found to cause minor psychological disturbances, and all personnel should be given weekly psychologicalevaluations. see incident 122-1. several reports of scp-122-1 manifestationsreached locally embedded agents. when the area was investigated, it was found that allsubjects within the building had been affected by scp-122. recovered documents indicate thata patient brought scp-122 when being admitted. however, no record of the patient's identityhas been found. agents secured scp-122 with

a portable power source, and it was transportedto site-19. addendum 122-b: scp-122 reclassified to keterfollowing incident 122-1. moved to armed reliquary containment area-02. causing the death of over █ members of sitepersonnel and ██ casualties. following re-containment operations, scp-122's containmentprocedures were put under review. during this review, security footage of several maintenancepersonnel tampering with scp-122's chamber-lock was discovered. when questioned, the subjectsclaimed that they had done so under duress, saying that a "canary" was not allowing themto sleep until they released scp-122. affected subjects were given class-a amnestics, andcontainment procedures were revised. upgrade

to keter requested. a 3.5 by 4 meter holding cell. access is allowedonly during authorized testing procedures. ‘fingers’ of which taper to a sharp point.detailed recording of scp-072 is difficult, as it does not manifest at light levels above5 lux. and leaves a foot or feet exposed to openair. if these conditions are satisfied, scp-072 will emerge from the foot of the bed and appearto use its pointer finger to ‘tap’ on the subject’s foot until they awaken. subjectshave reported that, at this point, they were unable to move, showing symptoms similar tosleep paralysis. this continues as long as scp-072 is visible.

parts of the subject's foot or feet. it willreturn to within the bed in between each removal, emerging without the collected material. thiswill continue until scp-072 has taken all of the exposed foot or feet, stopping at theankle. though subjects exposed to scp-072 report this process to be immensely painful,its paralytic effects render them unable to scream or call for help. it is unknown ifmanifestations of scp-072 feed on the collected material or use them for some other long as the wounds are properly treated, scp-072’s effects are not fatal, but havebeen observed to cause psychological damage relating to sleep in the future. of a bed which manifests the effects of scp-072will also host an instance of scp-072. destruction

of a bed affected by scp-072 reveals no anomalousmaterials and no trace of biological material removed from subjects. were located within 10 meters of one another.scp-072-4, a king-sized four-poster bed contaminated during scp-072’s time in site-██ temporaryanomalous objects holding. scp-072-5, a sleeping bag with bottom removedintroduced to scp-072-1 for testing. when d-2191 entered rem sleep in object, [dataexpunged]. scp-072-5 not recommended for testing in future.scp-072-6 and -7, beds introduced to scp-072-2 and later destroyed for examination. remainsof scp-072-6 and -7 appear unaffected, but are to be contained until further studiesmay be completed.

no equipment of any kind is to be left insidewhen staff are not present. containment area is to be kept in total darkness at all times.any items taken into the containment cell must be removed by staff at the end of testing,and any staff entering into containment must wear infrared goggles and be equipped withan infrared id strobe and a strong flashlight. the subject under attack. no aggressive actionis to be taken against scp-280, and staff are to keep one meter from scp-280 at alltimes. staff should continue to illuminate scp-280 until it retreats to a sufficientdistance to allow the recovery and extraction of the subject of the attack. and two hands with very long and thin feet or legs are visible, as the lower

portion of the body appears to fade away severalcentimeters from the ground. scp-280 appears to be wholly composed of matter that can gainor lose corporeal form. this matter is very black, with only the eyes showing any othercolor, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke. used like eyespots on some insects. scp-280is very strong, and has been observed pulling apart steel with its hands, showing no signof stress. scp-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a “sleepwalkerpose” by observers. scp-280 will move slowly towards any humanbeings and attempt to attack them. scp-280 appears to sense human life; no limit hasyet been found on this ability. scp-280 will

approach to within 14 centimeters of a subject,and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, causing massive physical trauma.the attack can last between one and five minutes, and will continue until the death of the subject,at which point scp-280 will expose its eyes, lose corporeal form, and move to the nexthuman. if no humans are present, scp-280 will move and ball up against a wall or other structureuntil a human being is again present. at any nearby humans. this has been describedas extremely disconcerting by those who have been stared at. if the area that scp-280 currentlyresides in becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, scp-280 willfade away and re-appear in another area. this appears to be done purely as a defensive responseto light, and will not be used to follow or

attack prey. scp-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, orsleep. it does not ingest any of the tissue removed during an attack, and simply dropsit to tear a new piece. due to its ability to become incorporeal at will, and its aggressivenature, no samples of scp-280 have been collected. and child deaths. all were reported as beingextremely vicious, and victims were "horribly mangled." the foundation became involved aftera family of five was murdered in their home. for a sleep over. he was found in an advancedstate of shock, holding a flashlight and unresponsive to outside stimulus. during an investigationof the basement, an officer was attacked and badly mutilated. his statement attracted theinterest of foundation agents.

to high levels of light. it was also observedthat scp-280 is frequently discounted as a shadow when seen in the dark, or dismissedas clothing, hair, or another object when accidentally touched in the dark. when trackinga subject, scp-280 will remain incorporeal until the moment of attack, causing some towalk very close to or through scp-280. subjects report a feeling of dread and unease wheninside scp-280. scp-280 usually does not respond to this, but will sometimes expose its eyesand enter its retreating posture when passed through. no pattern has emerged for this behavior. times. permission to study scp-1112 must gothrough dr. ██████. as items are fragile, personnel are advised to handle objectswith care. no further precautions are necessary.

puppets dated circa ███ ce. the itemsare cut from painted leather and stand 30 centimeters (12 in.) tall, typical of theera’s design. wooden sticks fastened to the joints animate the figures. when not operated,the objects do not exhibit any abnormal properties. and translucent screen by one or more individuals,as in traditional shadow plays. all members of the play’s audience will perceive individualfigures as the silhouettes of deceased, estranged or otherwise unattainable persons in theirlives. the silhouette figures 'perform' scenes from their lives that either correspond toa subject's memories or are speculative and metaphorical in nature. no commonalities havebeen observed across all plays, except that they only include the deceased person(s) asthe subject of the scene. only the silhouettes

are visible and will often interact with invisiblecharacters and props (see experiment log 1112-1 for documented scenes). such as parental, familial or romantic bonds.the subject perceives each figure as an unattainable person with whom they shared that particularconnection. where no persons in the subject’s life correspond to a figure, the puppet isnon-anomalous. close observation of the silhouettes by subjects have revealed they behave as thereal individuals in all aspects, even mirroring nervous tics and gesticulations only the viewerwould have been privy to. the silhouettes move with a fluidity and precision that wouldbe impossible with ordinary shadow puppets. note that male figures can be observed asfemale silhouettes, and vice versa. the list

of scp-1112 items currently includes: scp-1112-1: a concubine figure in a traditionalgown. often observed as the individual's dead lover, ex-wife, old flame, or an object ofunrequited affection. scp-1112-2: an emperor figure wearing battlearmor and brandishing a sword. observed as the subject’s dead/estranged father or fatherfigure. scp-1112-3: an empress figure in royal wear.observed as the subject's dead/estranged mother or mother figure.scp-1112-4: an ornately adorned ascetic figure with a demonic visage. observed as a personthat has inflicted physical and/or psychological trauma on the subject.although there have been no recorded effects

of memetic compulsion to animate the items,individuals that do so (hereby referred to as users) become silent until the current‘play’ is concluded. looking behind the screen reveals no cause of the figure’sperceptual effects; the users simply operate the puppets according to their desires andability but are unresponsive to external stimuli. matter perceived. the nature and content ofthe performances is tailored specifically to individual members of the audience, evenif other persons are present in room. content of scenes tends to vary wildly depending onthe figures used, the status of the subject’s relationship with the perceived persons, andother psychological predilections. due to the intimate and emotional subject matterof the performances, understanding the context

of documented scenes is dependent on the subject’sinterpretation of what are often private, inscrutable, and disturbing revelations intotheir loved one’s lives. representations of some aspect of the lateperson's life. plays that have included multiple figures have deviated wildly in content, suchas the figures holding a roundtable discussion on their opinion of the subject (inferreddue to lack of vocalizations), to [data expunged]. d-12344 into cooperating. subject reportedlywitnessed a silhouette of his late mother violently assaulted by an invisible assailantfor three minutes and thirty four seconds. a ██████ ██████ ofwichita, kansas. foundation agents were able to procure appropriate records from the wpdand found a domestic assault charge from ██/██/████. attached

police report confirmed the sequence of events. it somehow dredges up old memories. researchis ongoing - dr. ██████ father ballroom dancing for nine minutes andfourteen seconds. d-13996 was unaware of the scene ever occurring, and stressed their marriagewas generally untroubled. whether the play event was a re-enactment of a real life occurrenceor a metaphorical interpretation of a relationship on the part of the item is as of yet undetermined. and father engaged in conversation with approximately the four minute mark, the ex-husband reportedly placed his arm aroundthe mother's waist, provoking a physical altercation between the two males. subject's father wasapparently knocked unconscious. play ended

on shot of ex-husband and mother in physicalembrace. subject became flustered while recounting the event. placed in holding cell until conditionsimprove. we just don't know. - dr. ██████ itself over the span of an hour. figure beganwith rear, progressed to the thighs, stomach, backside, and was amputating its left armbefore d-13961 became hostile and testing was halted. the figure appeared to be unaffecteddespite severe blood loss. d-13961 became extremely unnerved as scene progressed andwas placed in a holding cell for the remainder of the day. in a follow-up interview, d-13961explained his mother had struggled with body dysmorphic disorder. subject confirmed shehad recently expired of natural causes.

even the most bizarre scenes have some basisin reality. — dr. ██████ reported description: 1112-4 reportedly manifestedas [redacted]. 1112-4 proceeded to 1112-1 huddled on the far side of the screen and[data expunged]. testing halted when subject broke restraints and assaulted user. terminatedahead of schedule. first documented instance of a prop item materializing on screen. 1112-4noted to have felt slightly warm to touch for next hour. m. attached to the walls, ceiling, and floorof the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights from every angle. personnel assigned to thescp-017 control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generatorsystem and call for maintenance immediately

upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issuewith the generator. similar to a small child, but with no discernibleidentifying features. scp-017 seems composed of a shadowy, smoke-like shroud. no attemptto find any object beneath the shroud has been successful, but the possibility has notbeen ruled out. scp-017's reaction to shadows cast upon itis immediate and swift. scp-017 leaps at the object casting the shadow and completely enclosesit in its shroud, whereupon it returns to its normal size, leaving no trace of the objectbehind. item #: scp-932 object class: euclid

special containment procedures: scp-932-01through -06-08 are to be kept in a 15 m x 15 m room with observational windows, furnishedwith a speaker and a bed with straps. during an observation, experimentation or interactionsession, the speaker is to play a tone of 510 hz at 100 db (rated as 'loud') to enablevisibility of scp-932. noise-cancelling headphones are available to participating staff on requestto facilitate communication. once every 3 days, a d-class personnel isto sleep in the bed in scp-932's chamber for feeding purposes. the speakers need not beturned on for this purpose. the feeding process is never fatal; however, the straps can beutilised in case of resistance on part of the d-class. said personnel can be returnedto normal duties afterwards.

wild instances of scp-932 are to be trackeddown and captured alive by mtf iota-4 ("dream hunters"). edit: following incident-932-002, containmentbreach protocols have been set. the 510 hz tone is to be played throughout the site ifa breach occurs, and all air vents or possible escape routes are to be sealed. all on-sitepersonnel are advised to keep as calm as possible. the following changes are also to be madeto scp-932's containment: the speaker is to be affixed to the wall and play the aforementionedtone at all times and that a different d-class personnel be used for each feeding session. description: scp-932 are creatures able toadjust the refractive indices of their bodies

in order to appear invisible. this abilityseems to be disrupted when scp-932 is exposed to sound; a loud (100 db) tone of 510 hz neutralisesit completely. when visible, scp-932 resemble pale and featureless children. their heightvaries from 1.2 to 1.6 m and weigh approximately 30-40 kilograms. in large numbers, scp-932have been able to pin down and fully immobilise an adult human. scp-932 "hunts" by silently following an individualto his/her dwelling in groups of no more than 8 individuals. if necessary, scp-932 willlie in wait near or under the victim's bed for several hours until he/she falls asleepand enters a state of rapid eye movement (rem) sleep. when the victim enters this state,the pack of scp-932 will pin the victim down,

secreting an unknown pheromone that causesthe victim to wake before the rem cycle is complete. in most cases, the victim will beconscious but immobile, leading to a general feeling of panic. initially, it was thoughtthat scp-932 fed on hormones produced by the panicking victim, but experiment 932-04 ("toweltest") seemed to prove otherwise. scp-932, for all intents and purposes, feeds on is unknown how this mechanism works, or how it detects rem sleep in its victims. scp-932 is generally docile and does not activelyattack researchers. however, if its feeding schedule is disrupted for more than 21 days,it will seem to be more aggressive and alert to its surroundings, and on occasion has triedto subdue researchers entering its containment

chamber despite the researcher being completelyawake at the time. edit: it appears that scp-932 prefers variationin its diet, as they seem to be more placid at the beginning of the month (when a newd-class personnel is introduced) than at the end. suggesting 5 d-class be assigned to ourteam and taking turns in the feeding session. —researcher min permission under consideration, given lightof your recent budget scandal. —director faizal permission granted, following events of incident932-02. incident report 932-02:

date: 29/06/1998location: site-09, biological division, south wing, #03-02 (14.00.23) research assistant byantara preparesto enter containment chamber for weekly vacuuming. he appears to mumble under his breath, bodylanguage shows apprehension. records show that byantara was a new-hire and had littleexperience with scps. (14.00.57) 510 hz tone plays, byantara isgiven the all-clear. scp-932 become visible. (14.01.18) byantara turns on vacuum cleanerand enters containment chamber. scp-932-01 through 06 immediately turn to face him andslowly move towards his direction. he appears startled by this reaction, quickly wavingthe vacuum cleaner around him in an attempt

to keep scp-932 at bay. (14.03.01) scp-932-03 tackles byantara's legsfrom behind, causing him to collapse. the other scp-932 individuals leap on him andkeep him down on the floor, apparently initiating a feeding event. byantara is visibly strugglingunder the combined weight of scp-932, accidentally disconnecting the speaker's plug with hiskicking feet. scp-932 are now invisible. (14.03.13) site security alerted, and observationalcameras are switched to ir mode. the members of scp-932 are still feeding. (14.03.50) site security arrive, but are toldnot to enter the containment chamber until the feed from the ir camera is loaded ontotheir huds.

(14.05.48) research assistant byantara ceasesmovement. ir feed shows the pack of scp-932 lose interest and leave his body. 5 membersof site security enter chamber and disable active members of scp-932. a preliminary surveyrevealed that scp-932-06 was unaccounted for. (14.05.51) byantara recovered from containmentchamber. pulse is weak and rapid, and his eyes are wide open and rapidly moving. oncloser inspection, his pupils appeared dilated despite the bright conditions of the chamber. (14.06.00) site lockdown initiated, all personneladvised to remain calm. site security dispatched for retrieval. (14.06.38) the 510 hz tone is played on thesite speakers. visibility of scp-932-01 through

-05 confirmed. (14.06.51) multiple motion sensors activatedin south wing air ducts. (14.08.46) camera feed shows scp-932-06 exitingfrom an air duct in corridor 3a of the south wing. security team prepares for retrieval. (14.09.02) camera feed shows another scp-932exiting from an air duct in corridor 3d of the south wing. director faizal expressespossibility of scp-932 reproduction. the 510 hz tone is played through the air ducts viaa speaker in the biology office to aid retrieval procedures. (14.09.32) camera feed shows another scp-932exiting from an air duct in corridor 4p of

the south wing. additional security teamsdispatched to contain both new instances. (14.11.07) containment of 3 individuals achieved.sensors report no more movement in air ducts. the two new individuals are labeled scp-932-07and -08, and are contained along with scp-932-01 through -06. note: research assistant byantara is in acomatose state, and displays no change in behaviour. further observation is required. note: after 47 days on life support, byantaraappeared to mouth something and his eyes ceased movement. he died of cardiac arrest shortlyafterwards. i think he said something like "too scaredto move".

—research assistant pattayong item #: scp-1983 object class: keter (presumed neutralized) special containment procedures: outpost 54has been built on the land surrounding scp-1983 and disguised as a chemical plant. the "plant"building serves as barracks for mtf chi-13 ("choir boys"). all entry points into outpost54 are to be guarded at all times. personnel will review document 1983-12, which detailsthe cover story to be given to any civilians expressing curiosity. all mtf personnel must profess strong religiousbeliefs, per chi-13 protocols. all ammunition

stocked must have a silver or silver-tippedprojectile. a 24-hour watch is to be maintained on the front door of scp-1983-1. guards areto engage any instances of scp-1983-2 on sight. no personnel is to approach within five metersof scp-1983-1 outside of scheduled testing protocol. update: following the event 1983-23, a stand-downof outpost 54 has been authorized. a skeleton crew will remain to monitor scp-1983 for anyfurther activity. arms intended for use against instances of scp-1983-2 are to be maintainedat outpost 54 armory. description: scp-1983-1 is a one-story farmhousein ███████ county, wyoming. it was abandoned in 1968 after a series ofritual murders, allegedly performed by a "satanic"

cult. please see capture logs for scp-████for further details. the front door of scp-1983-1, when opened,appears to contain a spatial anomaly. neither matter nor light has been observed to exitthe doorway, save for instances of scp-1983-2 (though the anomaly is exothermic). scp-1983-1 is accessible through other entrances,including windows, the back door, and entrances cut into the back of scp-1983-1. however,the front room does not appear to exist inside of scp-1983-1. doors that should lead to thefront room instead lead to other doors inside the building. measurements of the inside andoutside of scp-1983-1 are inconsistent. holes cut through the interior walls of scp-1983-1that should lead to the front room lead instead

to the outside walls around the front of scp-1983-1,but stop three meters on either side of the doorway. attempts to drill into the frontroom of scp-1983-1 from the outside have led to the exposure of smaller portions of theanomaly, though instances of scp-1983-2 have not been observed to exit them. further attemptsto breach the wall have been forbidden by o5-03, due to the possibility of allowingincreased potential for instances of scp-1983-2 to appear. scp-1983-2 are bipedal creatures approximately1.8 meters tall. they are vaguely humanoid, and entirely black in color. they are highlyaggressive and will engage any human on sight. when an instance of scp-1983-2 comes intocontact with a human, they extend an upper

limb into the human's chest cavity, withoutany apparent damage to skin or tissues. through unknown means, they then extract the heart,killing the human. once it has acquired a human heart, the instance of scp-1983-2 willreturn to scp-1983-1. silver munitions fired while offering prayeris the only known method of killing scp-1983-2. the precise form of the prayer or religionof the supplicant does not appear to matter, so long as the prayer is sincere. once killed,the bodies of scp-1983-2 appear to "evaporate," leaving a small layer of sulfur. scp-1983 was discovered after a series ofmysterious deaths in the vicinity of ███████ county. foundation investigators encountered instancesof scp-1983-2 and were able to trace them

back to scp-1983-1. addendum 1: a team from mtf chi-13 was sentthrough the front doorway to attempt to investigate the anomaly. they did not return. however,shortly after they entered, the front door appeared, closing in the frame. no furthermanifestations of scp-1983-2 appeared. addendum 2: a second assault team enteredscp-1983-1 to determine the fate of the first assault team. they did not return. the doordid not close. shortly after new manifestations of scp-1983-2 appeared, agent morris enteredthe doorway, which closed shortly after. addendum 3: on may 23, 1989, d-14134 was givena closed circuit camera tethered to a monitor by a 25-meter cord. he was instructed to examineas much of the area as he could, and then

attempt to return. once through the doorway,feed from the camera was interrupted. the cord was pulled taut, and then snapped. several hours afterward, the anomaly in scp-1983-1disappeared. inside, the desiccated remains of several agents were discovered, as wellas document 1983-15, an informal scp report written by an agent within the anomaly. itappears as follows: item #: pending object class: keter. god help you. special containment procedures: you're goingto die, you poor dumb fuck. this isn't a threat. i'm agent barclay. i'min the middle of this goddamned thing, and

i'm telling you, if you're here? you're goingto die. i'm probably already dead. so that's out of the way. let's get to thecontainment procedures. there's really only one. close the goddamned door. you aren'tgoing to get back through there. you've probably already tried. but we know they can get out,if they try hard enough. that's how we found this fucking place. hopefully, you've alreadydone that. i know we did, once we gave up on getting out through there. if you didn't,then you go straight back and get that door closed. that is your only priority right're going to die anyway. might as well do some good before you're gone. description: so, here's a story, tell me ifyou've heard it before. the foundation gets

reports of trouble in bumfuck, usa. cattleand wildlife are dying mysteriously. some people turn up missing. when a body showsup, autopsy finds the heart missing. not cut out, not torn out, just gone. empty spacein the middle of the chest. they find some sort of pitch-black thingsfloating around. some brain at the foundation has seen something like them before, figuresout how to kill them. silver bullets, and pray to god as you fire. literally. for somereason, that makes it work. doesn't matter which god, but you damn well better mean it. i can't, anymore. not after seeing the nest. anyway, foundation figures out where it'sall coming from. some house in the middle

of bumfuck. no one's lived there in years,not since yadda yadda, murder, cult, rituals, bullshit. the main thing is, these thingskeep appearing out of the front door. a team goes in, and they never come back out. butthen again, neither do the monsters. a sane person would say, good enough, keep an eyeon it, kill anything that moves. but this is the foundation. you're a tough agent from mtf-whatever-the-fuck.maybe sequere nos, maybe choir boys, like me. you go bust down the door and run inside,and that's it. you're fucked. the living room was bad enough. that's wherethey got o'brien. they reached in, and suddenly he keeled over, and one of them took off withhis heart in its… claws, i guess?

they're less distinct here. you probably noticedthat. they're like shadows. stay away from the light. i know that sounds stupid, butthink about it. in the light, shadows are stronger. they have edges. when it's dark,they're indistinct. they can hardly touch you, and they don't see very well. i thinkthey see by your shadow. i don't know. i'm just pulling at straws here, i'll be honest. you've probably tried going back out the door,but if you haven't, don't. it leads to some place even worse. there aren't any monsters,but… jones went too far from the house, and i swear to god, he started to melt. thingsstarted popping out of him, and… all you need to know is he didn't make it back. that'swhen we closed the door.

so, we started moving through the house. wekept to the light at first, before we wised up. three of us gone that way. but we gota pretty good picture of our surroundings. this place? it's big. it's not just the's like… it's like they stole bits and pieces of a lot of places, and stuck themall together. there's some bits that look like an apartment, some that look like a shoppingmall, and even what i swear is a closet from my old high school. same patterns on the tilesand everything. there's also bits that are made out of…stuff. it's black, like the shadow-things, and it's mostly in the well-lit places. ifthe lights go out, you can stick your hand through. i don't recommend it. that's howwe lost torres. something grabbed him, pulled

him through. the hole wasn't big enough forhis head, but he still went through, eventually. so, stay away from the light places, but watchyour step when it's dark. of course, there's no way out. we figuredthat out too. any door you find, it either just leads to another room in this nuthouse,or it leads out there, and it's pretty obvious we can't live there. so it's wait until youstarve to death or one of those things gets you. great bunch of choices, huh? there's one thing you can do. i couldn't gothrough with it, but maybe you can. it won't help you live, i don't think, but it's…i think it's important. i'm pretty sure someone's going to have to, or these things are goingto get out eventually.

this place is stolen from lots of i'm thinking there have to be other doors. we've closed all the ones we've found, butwhat if they get opened again? and the foundation doesn't find them in time? hell, they don'teven know about closing the doors. i'm just hoping they figure out that if someone goesin, the things might stop getting out. and that's assuming everyone's smart enough toclose the door after they come in. so, i think i figured out a way to stop thesethings. it's the nest. i only saw it once, for a few minutes. wefollowed one of the bastards after they got denning's heart. it took it into a room thati guess is in the middle of this whole place. it's all black stuff, and they've draggedin every kind of light they could find, i

guess. lamps, flashlights, candles, you nameit. some of them were carrying more in as we watched. anyway, at the middle, there'sa big pile of hearts. just tossed in a heap, and torn open, every one. they threw denning'sheart on the pile, and it started to beat, and then pulse, and then thrash around. thenit tore open, and one of those things pulled itself out. it shook itself, started to growand then went right to work. the gross thing is that, torn apart as they were, the heartskept beating. i swear i felt a twinge in my own chest. there were shadows in the place. i don't meanthe monsters, i mean real shadows, of people. only there was no one there to cast them.they were coming from the hearts. a new one

appeared at the same time as the hatchingmonster, and started trying to pull away, but it couldn't. that was when i ran. i couldn't take it, youunderstand? i wasn't trained for this kind of shit. i heard the others behind me. i don'tknow if they were trying to stop me, or if the bastards had spotted us, but we got separated.i found a nice, dark closet, and i've been hiding in here since. i've been writing bypenlight. i turn it off whenever i hear one of them getting close. it's worked, so far. i can't go any further. i've got a few shotsleft in my gun, but i can't pray anymore, not and mean it. not after i saw the nest.but you, if you've found this, you've got

to be an agent too. maybe you're strongerthan i was. if you can, go in and destroy the nest. destroy every last heart. if youdo, maybe it'll kill them. it's the only thing i can think of. you'll probably die doingit, but you're dead anyway. so what's it matter to you how it happens? me, i'm going to try and get this report backto the living room, which i hope is where you found it. then i'm going to make surethey can't use my heart to make another one of those things. good luck. morituri te salutant. the scp is presumed to have been neutralizedby d-14134, who was posthumously awarded the

foundation star (one of only two awarded toclass-d personnel). due to information contained in document 1983-15, it is believed that theanomaly was not localized, as previously believed, and renewed resources have gone into attemptingto locate similar incidents. item #: scp-575 special containment procedures: any and allinstances of scp-575 are to be immediately isolated and contained with protocol al-9o77(see advanced lighting and emergency containment strategies handbook) and transported to securedcontainment. should an instance of scp-575 exceed a safely containable size, protocolal-9o77-b is to be used to divide and isolate scp-575 into smaller instances.

containment units are to be made of two airtightrooms, each sealed by airlocks. the outer room, containment a, is to remain lit at alltimes, with no less than two back-up generators on stand-by. light fixtures are to be checkedweekly, and any blackouts in containment a will result in immediate lockdown until totalillumination is restored. the inner containment unit, containment b,is to be coated in a layer of pure calcium both inside and out. personnel entering containmentb are to be fitted with led-embedded clothing and equipped with portable floodlights incase of emergency. interaction with scp-575 should be limited to sample collection andobservation. any samples obtained from scp-575 must be treated in the same manner as theoriginal source and all test areas must have

calcium lining and emergency illuminationprocedures similar to those outlined here. any and all civilian deaths resulting fromscp-575 are to be attributed to wild animal attack/scavenger predation of an already deceasedsubject. should deeper scrutiny be applied, attacks are to be blamed on a serial killer/sataniccult, and any additional information is sealed “due to ongoing investigation”. description: scp-575 appears to be an unknownform of matter, taking the form of a series of amorphous black shapes and structures.scp-575 is difficult to observe, as it immediately dissipates when exposed to light. currenttesting has been unable to identify if scp-575 is organic or inorganic. despite the lackof any visible nervous systems or observable

organic components, scp-575 displays behaviorconsistent with an active consciousness. scp-575 initially manifests in total this occurs is unknown, however tests have shown a variable mass of scp-575 formingwhen [data expunged] variable, along with the time frame. scp-575 is capable of “floating”and can alter its density, allowing it to "pass through" very small openings. scp-575prefers very dark, isolated locations in which to settle after its initial formation, andwill remain there until it reaches “critical mass” at [data expunged] scp-575 grows with the absorption of biologicalmaterial. scp-575 will “attack” living things by solidifying portions of itself andusing these “appendages” to bludgeon,

cut and crush subjects. the tracking and selectionmethods used by scp-575 are currently not understood. upon disabling a subject, scp-575will forcibly tear and crush tissue within the main mass until it is "absorbed". scp-575is unable to interact with objects rich in calcium however, and “nesting areas” forscp-575 can be identified by the large amount of bones, teeth, and calcified dust aroundthem. scp-575 is capable of manifesting in any areaof total darkness. this appears to be a form of "spontaneous generation", and can formin any suitably dark location after [data expunged]. scp-575 was initially recoveredunder the home of mr. █████ ███ and his family. when initial contact was made,scp-575 had "digested" the household, and

had partially "consumed" a neighbor, one █████ ████████, age█. since this initial contact, ███ instances of scp-575 have been recovered, most of whichhave been in residential homes or large buildings, such as factories and schools. the cause forthis preference is unknown, however it has been been suggested that the building behaviorsof man simply provide more suitable “nesting” areas, or that scp-575 somehow "needs" a nearbyhuman presence. both theories are under investigation. item #: scp-1045 special containment procedures: scp-1045 isstored in low-security locker 17 at site 21. no flammable materials or sources of openflame are to be brought within 5 meters of scp-1045 except for testing purposes.

description: scp-1045 is a square wood-framedcandle lantern measuring 15 cm x 15 cm x 32 cm. its sides are made of translucent waxedpaper and its interior framework provides a nested support for a circular glass cupmeasuring 6.5 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height. the anomalous properties of scp-1045do not manifest unless both components are used together. when a candle is placed within scp-1045 andlit, the walls of scp-1045 depict the shadow of a miniature humanoid, as if lit from behindby the candle. the shadow on each side of the lantern depicts a different angle of thesame subject. the shadow of the humanoid is always writhing, as if in pain, and it issurrounded by what appear to be semi-opaque

flames. the shadow of the figure will persistas long as the candle is burning. its motions become more frantic as the candle comes closerto burning out. all candle residue recovered from scp-1045consists of rendered human fat, regardless of the original makeup of the candle. damageddna samples have been recovered, but the identity of the source individual(s) has yet to bedetermined. addendum: testing has revealed that burningscented candles produces shadows of different figures. in addition, burning a scented candleallows the shadows to emit sound. the volume of the sound is dependent on the strengthof the scent. to date, all shadows have only produced incoherent screams.

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