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hey guys! i have five new nail art ideas foryou today! they are so easy and quick to make, perfect for beginners! normally, i like tobe very precise with my designs - all the lines the same, everything needs to be asperfect as possible, but today, i just wanted to have some fun with colors. so, today iam going to show you five designs and techniques inspired by the impressionist paintings. ireally hope you like them and let's begin! today we're getting creative! but as always,don't forget applying a base coat to protect your nails. even though i am using a whitepolish for the base, it's important to give that barrier between the nails and chemicalsfrom the nail polish. today we are impressionist painters. and every painter needs a blankcanvas, so let's apply two layers of white

polish.ok, now we're ready to start playing with colors! i'll show you five totally differentand simple techniques to create unique impressionist designs.for the first nail art design you need a pencil with an eraser. drip some colored polishesto some surface like a piece of plastic bag. dip the corner of the eraser into one color,tap it a few times on a plastic bag to remove excess polish and then start making randomdots and smudges on the nail. if some polish ends on your skin, don't worry, we will removeit later! go in with the second color - green in my case. the impressionist painters wantedto capture a moment in time and portrait their impressions of the world. i am feeling happyso the colors i'm using today are mostly bright,

but you can switch the colors to darker onesif you'd like too! lastly, apply some smudges in third color, i chose pastel lilac. whenyou're satisfied with how your design looks, apply a layer of top coat to bring it togetherand add some shine. i think it turned out really lovely! from distance, these randomsmudges look like little flowers, which i think is really cool!for our next design you won't need any tools at all. simply choose three colors and makerandom splashes with a nail polish brush. the trick is to wipe off your brush reallywell, so that just small amount of polish is left on the brush. you can use other colorsfor the base with all these five designs, but i do recommend going for a white likeme. this way all the polishes you plan to

use on top will look vibrant and opaque. forthis design i chose yellow, lilac and minty green, which result in a very soft and gentleresult. impressionism is a movement in painting originating in france in the last quarterof 19th century. this style tries to illustrate the visual impression of the moment. in theend don't forget to apply a top coat to seal in your design. look how pretty it looks!our third abstract painting again doesn't require any tools, well except your finger!dip your finger into nail polish, press a few times on a paper, or a piece of a plasticbag to get rid of majority of the polish. when you have only a bit of the color left,press the finger on the nail to create little fingerprints. as you can see, even thoughi am not being precise with my nail art today,

the finished manicure looks very neat. thetrick is in the base color. if you apply your white base precisely, the ending result willlook very professional. it will seem as if you spend a lot of time doing your nails,when in fact, you just had some fun experimenting with colors. for this design i just went crazywith hot pink, blue and green color and i am very pleased with how it turned out. makesure to clean the skin around your nail and apply a layer of fast drying top coat to finishoff. look how gorgeous this manicure looks when applied on all the nails. perfection!and of course, you can always decide to use it just on your ring finger for a cute littleaccent to the solid manicure. for the fourth design we'll be using q-tips!dip the q-tip in the nail polish and make

random dots on the nail. my colors are yellow,red and navy blue. q-tips are a great tool in nail art, you can use them instead of adotting tool, to create perfect circles. you can make just several dots and leave the blankbase randomly peeking through, or you can cover your nails with dots completely andget a totally different design. when you're happy with your design, apply a generous layerof the fast drying top coat. i hate it when the polish smears, but well... it happens.we are doing abstract impressionism inspired nails anyway and i still love how this bigdotted design turned out! save the best for the last they say. thisdesign must be my favorite of all the five. go and bring some transparent foil from thekitchen. and no this design has nothing to

do with food. tear a piece of foil and scrunchit into a ball. apply a bit of nail polish on like this and dab it onto your nail severaltimes. see how i am making very fast moves with the polish on my dabbing tool. my firstcolor was black, so now i am switching to silver and i am just repeating the step. youjust need to barely touch the nail to get the best result. my last color is a mediumpink. i absolutely adore how these three colors look together! clean the skin around yournail because you'll definitely get some smudges from the foil there. apply a layer of a fastdrying top coat and there it is your own beautiful masterpiece.all these designs are extremely easy and fast to make plus you don't need any professionalnail art tools. all of them look beautiful

for the color blocking manicures too. andbecause i love you so much i will show you a bonus design! take a piece of a scotch tapeand stick it at the back of your hand several times so that the glue loses its strength.then stick it on the nail so that approximately half of your nail is covered. then chooseone of the used colors to make abstract design. i can choose between black, silver and pink.quickly remove the tape in the same direction as you were applying the polish. finish itwith a fast drying top coat and you're left with a gorgeous color blocking manicure! ithink this design is so adorable and elegant, perfect for a party.sometimes we need to step out of the usual, out of the box. just go crazy and have fun.don't be afraid to experiment with colors

in different ways and have fun making youramazing nail paintings. so these were my five impressionism inspirednail art designs. don't forget that i have instagram, twitter, facebook and google+ whereyou can share your recreations with me because i love seeing them. i really hope you're doinggreat, i'm sending you lots of kisses and i'll talk to you soon! bye!

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