deko selber machen wald

deko selber machen wald

if i tell themto come down, then we… all the chinese are upstairs, right? ask them if they wantto come down. (oh, yes.) why are you laughing? they’re already here. you just sit in betweensomewhere. okay? sit in between anywhere. and the men sit in betweensomewhere. i thought you don’t like me,upstairs is more comfortable.

oh, well, i don’t knowif we really have enough room. come to the front. wow. always womenoverwhelmingly a majority. why is that? because i’m a woman? yes. the slovenia sister, do you knowthe sant mat group very well? you see them? (yes, some.)

do they have… no, not just in theirgroup meditation time? you know how many men,how many women? are there more womenthan men there? or it’s just abnormal around me? always more women,everywhere. everywhere? isn’t that weird? everyone came down already,from upstairs? no?

yeah, yeah. just stand around the door,you can see me there. the men sit here. the men are alreadyoutnumbered by the women. don’t try too hardto make them feel so… you know what i mean? oppressed. you oppress themat home enough already, you women.

i know very well. and here even, try to squeeze. poor men. it’s very difficult for themto come here already. don’t make it harder. you ask any of them, did their wives write permissionand everything? and if he sneakily came herewithout permission, he will pay dearlywhen he comes home.

you watch it. pray hard, okay? pray hard when you land. pray before you enteryour own house. pray that world peacewill enter your life, at the moment you enter your garage or house, or the back doorof the house. maybe you could not evenenter the front door house. maybe you just textto your son, “please open.”

or maybe you come homeand all your belongings stand right in frontof the front door waiting for you. your pillow,your sleeping bag, your tent, whatever belongs to you, right at the front dooralready waiting for you. maybe, yeah? be prepared. pray for peace, but be prepared for war. wow. how come men don’t come a lot? how come? what’s wrong?

in your case,how can you get here? not married, right? (yes, i’m married.) you are? it’s the rare case. do you have permission to come? difficult, huh? it was tough but i decided to go and… oh, man, okay, okay. have some cakes in caseyou have to stay outside,

in the garage or something,and have a drink in case, emergency. oh, man, i’m sorry. it’s not funny! (no.) you’re used to being the winner, you don’t know what it’s liketo be on the other side. oh, man, truly,it’s not that easy, is it? i know. you all understand english?(yes.) if you don’t understand,okay, that’s the way it is.

i asked themif they all understand english. some said yes, some said no. i said, “if you don’t understand,okay, that’s the way it is.” listen, it’s not easy. in one of my former lives… i didn’t always have a good relationship, like husband and wife. it’s similar to you. in one of my former lives,

also very difficult for me to go out,to meet other people, even as a master. the partner was very, very jealous. and one time,he even beat me up. yeah! because being a masterand everybody adored me, things like that. or in another life,a partner even locked me in the house, let me starve to death,didn’t give me any food. that was the wife.

and the other one was the husband. very difficult to go anywhere,to do anything. it’s so difficult and you cannot imagineif you don’t have it. you cannot imagine how difficult it isfor some people. you cannot imaginehow can another person who enters your lifeas your trusted life partner become such a controlling mechanism that you feel likeyou have no more life. you’re suppose to share life,not give life.

but after you’re married,you realize that you’re done. sometimes it’s like that. my ex-husbandwas a very good man, even before i wasn’t a masteror anything. but even then, he blessed me,he said, “why not? you can be a master.” at that time, i wasn’t anybody,just a buddhist believer. and i told him, “oh, we have masters,but only men can become masters. only men can become buddha.”

it is written like that. so he said, “nonsense,you can become a master,” and his word came truebecause he always tells the truth. even he is not a believerin anything or practitioner, but he always told the truth. so maybe that’s whywhatever he says comes true, or maybe he intuitively knows thatbecause he knows i am very spiritual and i was very much into spiritualeven in married life. but that is rare to find.

in many former lives, my husbands or my wifewas very, very terrible, wicked, and controlling. even to go to group meditationor i go for example, retreat like this,oh, he would make hell. either make trouble or don’t come with, or come with but naggingto go home immediately or in the middle of the retreat, just making every day trouble,

causing mental stress and terrifying stuff. sometimes even violentin some of the former lives. whenever if i am a master, i always have some factor, some opposite factornext to me, all the time. so, if you don’t have this situation, if your husband is not possessive, or if your wife is not possessive, you cannot understand his problem.

it’s very brave of him to come, no matter what happens afterward. because i was in that situationin many former lives. it was like i am goingto do something bad or something, just to go outand (hold a) retreat. as a master! not just even a disciple. and had so much trouble like that,with some of the former husbands or wives or lovers before.

and you don’t understand this. i would never be able to see you. understand this? (yes.) so, in a way, i’m very lonely,but in a way, i’m lucky. you are lucky, i mean. suppose i have a husband,maybe i’d never be able to get out, or with difficulty. or with a heavy heart. and less blessing for you.

understand what i’m saying? i am so sorry for any of youif you have difficulty with your partner. they are not enlightened enough,that’s why. when you’re here,you be happy, man. don’t keep the face like this. be happy as long as you can. your time is short. freedom, hard to find. short-lived freedom.

never mind. nowadays… even if you say nowadaysit’s easy to divorce or separate, but still, meanwhile,you’re still attached to that person, and you still hope to work it out. and that “meanwhile” time is long,and you feel very depressed sometimes, and you feel suffocated. even if you do nothing wrong,like you come to group meditation, you eat vegan, and you meditate.

what wrong can that be? how wrong can that be? in japan, most of the companies would pay for the employeesto go to the zen monastery to meditate for some time. and they pay for those days so that the employeebecomes more enlightened, more intelligent when they come backto work for the company. isn’t that a smart choice?(yes!)

that’s why the japanese,they’re so successful. their cars are top! top ten in the world, top five. people prefer japanese cars. you see what i mean? even if somebody has fooled aroundand made some mechanism bad some few months, few years back,they still buy japanese cars. it’s still a very trustworthy car,low maintenance. low price and good, good quality

because they workwith intelligence, with conscience. you see the companies are like that, pay for their employeesto go to the zen monastery to have a week off or two weeks offjust to do zen meditation. to train their minds to calm downso that they can think better, so that they can service the companymore efficiently. you see that? so how can the wife not understand? or how can a husbandnot comprehend that

his wife or her husbandgoes to do meditation, that is good for the family, good for the country, good for the relationship? unless you want a stupid husband,easy to control, then no. but if you want a good husband,then you have to respect him. and if a husband is more enlightened,then he’s a more respectful person, right? he’s more intelligent.

so, if a husband or a wifebecame enlightened, wouldn’t that be better? wouldn’t you be more proudto have a more saintly husband? (yes.)that means good for you, no? so i don’t really understand this. well, because i don’t havea husband now so… if i have him, maybe i’d tell him,“don’t go to group meditation.” this is some kind of love,of course, but selfish love, more possessive love.

want him all the time for you,so he’s always nearby, so you know what he’s doing. becauseif he goes to group meditation, you don’t know what he’s doing,and you’re alone at home. but even the deepest level of love shouldhave a little bit of space sometimes, to breathe. like firewood,if you stick them together too close, they don’t burn well. need a little space.

so husband and wife,if after a little separation, comes home,should be better, no? “absence makes the heart fonder,”that’s what they say. so, what’s the big deal, husband goes to group meditation orretreat for a few days, or the wife? then you appreciate each other more. for example, if the wifehas gone away for one week, the husband stays home,has to wash clothes, wash dishes, and vacuum, thenappreciates the wife more,

what she does every day. and if the husband has gone away and the wife has tobring the groceries home, go shopping alone with big groceries,or has to take the garbage out herself, or have to drive to work, for example, maybe, thenshe would appreciate more of the husband’s servicewhile he’s at home. that should be an advantage. and you appreciateeach other more instead of…

suffocating each other. a marriage is not a prison,but many make it into a prison. and then you just have tolisten always to each other or obey each otheror binding to each other, then you don’t grow anymore. you don’t have time to learn new things. you don’t have time to meet new people. you don’t have time to researchinto something more interesting even on the internetor with your friends or…

you don’t have anything fresh. every day, same recycled stuff. and of course, then after a while, maybe the husband has been patientor the wife has been very docile, but after a while gets fed up. and then,suddenly meets somebody or sees something more interesting,then, break. divorce. and nothing can repair that anymore.

this is a problem. the more you suffocate,the more people want to open, get out, and have some fresh air. right, freddy? that’s right. you know everything! you’re wiser now. wiser now. you opened up, you said.

i used to be married. not anymore? so i know you’re right. how come? i didn’t tell you to divorce,did i? (no.) no, but what happened? i was married. it’s a long story, long time ago. you were married and after,you finished. (yes.)

you’re divorced now. you’re happier or not? i’m happy. and lonelier. happy is good. okay. if you’re happy, it’s good. and she’s happy too? i guess so. good. then it’s fine.

if you two are happy,then it’s your business, whatever you do with each otheror with your life. in this life,sometimes very lonely, you feel lonely,especially in a big city. people just don’teven know the neighbor, and nobody knowseach other anywhere, and you stay in one apartmentor one room alone, or one house,you feel lonely. so you feel like if you have a partner,

this would be nice company, talk, somebody to talk to and hold hands to go to the beachand go to the tea house and together, but after one or two, threemonths or weeks or something, it’s not the same anymore. most people tell me that. why don’t you keep it the same? keep everything like the first days,then you will enjoy your marriage. marriage can be very good.

of course, because i’m singleand i have more time to do meditation, so i can reach higher. if i were married,maybe i can’t do this much. maybe. so, in a way, i feeli’m very lucky to be single, to be alone. but in a way, sometimes i also regretto have left my husband because in some of my lonely moments,nobody’s there. you are different.

even if you stay with me,you’re different. a husband and a wife, if it’s good,they would die for each other. they would take care of each other. it’s different than betweenthe master and disciples. it’s a different kind of love. this is just the love of… general. but the husband and the wife,they would sacrifice for each other. they would understand each other in the moment of sadnessor sorrow or joy.

that is a real marriage. and in a way, if i havesuch a marriage like that, i would also like. i would also be happy. but because i know if i havesuch an even lousy or good marriage, i would not be able togo such high (levels). so, in a way, i don’t regretnot to be married anymore. but sometimes,when i have no one around, i also feel like if i have a husband,he would understand me,

that he would give me a hugor something like that and tell me everythingwill be okay tomorrow. something like that,you know, this kind of hollywood stuff. otherwise, i’m really glad thati don’t have a husband. because if i have, i would belike more devoted to family life also. this is unavoidable. and then, i have to take care moreof things and go more to coffee shops, go more to restaurants,go more walking on the beach. go more dancing together orwhatever that just the couple would do.

even if i meditate, but i cannot just neglect the guy next tome who wants to go to the movies or he wants to go to the coffee shop. and then, i will be tempted,say, “oh, yeah, i meditated too long already,i’m fed up. let’s go, let’s go.” but if nobody’s there to tempt me,then i just have to accept to go back to meditation again. because your mindcan be tricked into thinking,

“okay, you meditated enough today. the world is rescuedthree percent already. okay, another percentyou come back tomorrow.” so, many people, after married,they meditate less. i don’t mean all of you. some of you. marriage is not an obstacleto your meditation or your spiritual progress at all, but if you’re lucky,

meet a really good partnerwho understands you and who goes the same way with you or who supports the wayyou’re going with your life, then, you have more timeand maybe more balance. but still, still you wouldhave also some time for family. that’s normal. if i was still marriedor had a boyfriend, whatever, i wouldn’t be able to go this high. honestly, like that.

it is like that. but i don’t mean that you all go homeand quit your husband and wife. you don’t need, okay? you don’t need because you don’t need! you don’t need to go higherthan the fifth plane. and you have a marriage, husband or wife, you stillcan go to the fifth plane. if you balance your lifebetween family and meditation, you can still go.

some people still can do it,so don’t worry about that. some of the indian saints,masters, they are married, too. in fact, most of the sant mat saintsi know, that i know, the ones that also teachthe light and sound, they were all married. and they still can reach,some reached the fifth level. like master baba sawan singh,he was in fifth level. for example like that,and others after.

some not, but some are. you were sawan singh. who says that? i heard, i think that you said it once. not i said, somebody else said it, one of the indian disciples saw thati was baba sawan singh. (wow.) and he was the discipleof baba sawan singh, before, before the master died. and when i gave initiation before,the people who knew nothing

about baba sawan singh saw me,that i was baba sawan singh. because she asked me,“who is this baba sawan singh?” and i said, “what about him?” she said, “i saw you during initiation,that you are him. so who is this guy with the long beard and white, and his name isbaba sawan singh?” i said, “well, you saw him,why do you ask me?” she saw me, that i andbaba sawan singh are one person. that’s what she said,“are one,” she said like that.

i said, “okay, you saw him.why didn’t you ask him?” so, these were just a few incidents. there are some other people, also saw me as baba sawan singhin a former life, and they informed you. that’s it. and i also informed you, from one ofyour sisters, but who cares. the present life is important. sometimes during the courseof talk or something,

maybe you experience thisor you know that, but it’s not important. important is now. if you feel good with me,if you have good experience with me, if your life changes for the better. no matter what i was in a former life, if i couldn’t do this to you,what’s the use? i had so many lifetimes, and many things i didand many things i had to do,

many forms i had to take. so, everything is past. and the future,if you see me again ever, maybe i’m in a different form. but if you come back, you will have the feeling of familiarity, and then you probablywill follow me again. some of you have been with me before. as disciples, as lovers,

as relatives, as friends, as neighbors, as enemies. yeah! the enemies love me dearly. love at first sight. so, i have all kinds of people. all doesn’t matter who i was. what i am now is important.

okay. why do i talk so much? i love you guys so much. we love you, master. thank you, freddy. i know many of yougo through difficulties to come here. and as much as you appreciate me,i also appreciate you, that you did all this to come here. it’s good for you.

you bathe in powerful blessing,if you can see it. or one of you saw it,one of you, yesterday, the day before, she saw it. so powerful that it washed awaymany of your “stuff.” you know, stuff. and it more or less somehowwould help you elevate one way or another,a little or a lot. none of you come homelike empty-handed. any.

thank you. this retreat, i intended not to talk at all, and we’d just all meditate together. but after a few hours, i felt the intense buildupof questioning energy, so i thought, “oh, never mind.i have to come out, talk a little bit, or else.” i could not bear. even if you’re not sureif i’m here, you still have

this kind of like demanding energy thati come out and talk, make you laugh and stuffor answer your question, your silly questions,for example. oh, no, i don’t mean your silly questions,i mean give you silly answers, and you’re happy. all right, now, any moresilly questions before...? yeah? (i have some questions.) you have. master, i just wonder aboutthe soul of the master.

how does this soul,master’s soul, work? okay, okay, but i also told you that i made a string(through) the whole universe. number one, suppose even ifi didn’t make the string, the master’s soulcan appear in any form, in any place, in many different placesat the same time. this is called omnipresenceand omnipotence as well.

omnipotence means the master canmake himself or herself known as another person thatyou’re more familiar with. but therefore, the buddhist sees jesus andthe christian saw the buddha in the meditation. who cares? the master’s soul is not confinedinto this body alone. and the master poweris not just within a soul. just saying “a soul”so that you understand.

but the master of a higher level is merging in every placein the whole universe. that master’s so-called soulis not limited. it’s the great soul. it’s expanded souland it’s shapeless, formless, and limitless,so can appear anywhere, even can appear in your form, too,in somebody else’s dream. suppose you have a friendwho is in danger or in need of help, and she only knows you,or your lover’s far away,

and then he could not reach you. and because i know youand i know he knows you, so probably,suppose i am the master, i would appear to him in his dream or in a fleeting visionin your form to tell him that, “okay, honey, do this, do that. i’m waiting for youover there, over here.” for example, something like that. miracle happens.

it’s very easy. (thank you.) you’re welcome. but does my answer make sense to you?(yes, i understand now.) yeah, very good. we are not confinedin any plane or any planet. and even if we are,when the master is above fifth level, can string the whole universe so that that master powercan flow easily and can bring equipment downor blessing down easier.

any more questions? i’m glad you asked. it’s good though. why are you crying for? what’s wrong? something wrong? no? happy? happy cry, okay. it’s funny, we have only two eyes andone kind of tears.

happy, cry. sad, cry. so, are you all sleepy now? shall i go? (no, no.) no, no, no. i’ve run out of stories. i sell you everything,i sell you my story, the animal story,my mother’s story… all kinds of stories i sold to you.

one time i recited a poem about an escort girl in ã‚u lạc (vietnam)who was in love with her customer, and the customer couldn’t care less. so he just said goodbyelike that, coldly, and left, and she made this poem. not “she” made it, but somebody was supposedto have made it. a poet, a very famous poet. suddenly felt in tune with her

or something, and he wrotea very touching feeling. so i recited it for the aulacese(vietnamese) people. i don’t knowif you had a chance to even hear it. okay, fine. but one of your brothers, the aulacese (vietnamese)brother told me, “master, why did you recite the prostitute poem?” i said, “prostitutes also havebuddha nature inside, no?” and thenhe was suddenly enlightened.

and i was also enlightenedas i said that. yes! i really meant it. i really felt it that time. so, don’t tryto look down upon them. feel sorry for them instead. if you can’t help them out of their not very pleasantor very honorable life, then you don’t criticize. you don’t look down.

you don’t look down upon them. okay, so, what? yes. is it a lot of times becausewe don’t practice well that brings a lot ofthese troubles to master? i’m saying thatbecause i also feel like... i don’t blame you much becauseyou can’t always practice a lot, the way you live your life. you work very hard,and you have family, and you have friends, andyou have all kinds of things

to have to do beforeyou could even sit down. and when you sit down, your mind is everywhereand you can’t even meditate. i don’t kind of blame you very much. i’m just telling you the factthat it’s like that. but i understand you. i understand your life is difficult. even if you could meditatewhen you come home from work, that’s already a lucky member.

some cannot. some husbands and wivesforbid others to meditate. even to meditate, not to saygo to group meditation. but to meditate at home, it’s a very difficult thingfor many of the disciples. right?(yes. for some of us.) okay. now, also, not just bad karmafrom you, but your friends, your families,whoever near you,

whoever you think of. and then your pets, your late grandmotherand your newborn people, all kinds of things. and you go out also,you collect bad karmas every day. you come home, add it ontowhatever you already have. so of course, i cannot win. besides, mostly, disciples,they’re really desperate. that’s why they came for initiation.

the people outside,they’re still okay. so do not try to convert peoplebefore you convert yourself. okay, so, what? master, in terms ofbeing a disciple practicing, sometimes i feel like in the world,there’s a lot of negative influence, (yes.) whatever that we contact,like seeing, hearing. (stretch your legs if you want, okay?don’t care.) all kinds of the influence. for example,we come here to see master,

master lifts us up. but when we go home… i remember master in hungary retreat already mentioned that we have tofeed ourselves with information. listen to master’s tapeand reading the lectures, noble lectures, and to kind of keep usin that kind of environment. (yes, yes, yes.) and i find that really,really helpful personally.

(yes, alwayshave to remind yourself.) yes, yes. but sometimes,there will be also times that you just fail. (i know.) and you have to do it again, and it’s kind of likea roller coaster kind of thing. no, it would help somehow.(yes, yes.) you would not go down that low. yes. not like, of course, we won’t go back to eat meat and that,but still, in spiritual practice.

you have the dark nightsof the soul sometimes. okay? (yes.)but that’s okay. never mind. what should we dowhen that happens, master? continue. continue. remind yourself. surround yourself with the practitioners. surround yourself with things thatremind you of spiritual practice. write your diaries, (yes, i do that.)so that when you read it, you remember when you hadgood experiences.

that encourages you a lot. mostly,i scold myself in my diary. no, don’t do that. (okay.) you have to write down, “today, i feel master’s blessingin which situation.” or you just had a good feelinglike master was with you. write things like that. or today, had a good vision. write it all down.

so when you’re down,when you’re in a dark night, you look at that again. that’s why you should keep a diary,to remind you, encourage you. remember good times. thank you, master. just like today, one of your sisters told you that she hasvery good experiences these days. and even though you don’t have it,but at least you feel, “oh! so i was in such a good environmentand good atmosphere,

good magnetic field,good spiritual blessing. i didn’t know it, but at leasti would somehow have benefit. even though i don’t know it,but i know i am benefited.” okay, it’s like a personwho can see fully. she sees the whole elephant,so she tells you, “the elephant has a trunklike this, the ear like this, and the tail like that.” so, even though you don’t see,maybe you can only touch a tail, and you say, “so this isthe end of the elephant.”

or you touch the nose and you say, “oh, this the beginningof the elephant.” at least you feel okay. you can know something. there’s one person in russia. he’s totally blind, and deaf as well. but he became a famous scientistbecause he tried. originally, he even wantedto commit suicide sometimes

because it’s so much pressureand stress. and even one of the authority personsdenounced this kind of disabled people. like, “they should not go to university”and “what would they do with science, they couldn’t do anything to helpbecause they’re disabled.” and he was feelingvery depressed and sad. but later on, because of that,he wanted to prove them wrong. i just forgot his name. probably russian,i can’t spell it very well anyway. it’s on a documentary film.

and he becamea very famous scientist even. so, it’s good. the personwho lives totally in darkness and tries to listen to musicwith some help. he can do that. later, he had a boywho helped him to go around. originally, he lived alone. but the boy, he adopted him, and thenhe took him everywhere.

but of course,you can’t rely on that forever. like everybody else, after a while, the boy went outand met the girl, and then, so he had to stay alone a lot. it’s like that. he spends a lot of timewith his girlfriend, of course. not like before,when he was younger, always stuck to the godfather. okay, any more question, loving?

if we all pray for master’s good healthand that you have a good assistant, can the situation be changed? maybe. you can try. i can’t pray, but you can. thank you to you. very kind of you. love and kindness is always good,no matter to whom. what shall we do now? it’s almost time i have to go.

but i have some cakes in my kitchen. could you take them all outfrom the upper level and lower level, and some vegan sausagesand whatever vegan cheese in my fridge and vegan ice cream,bring it all here. i’ll throw it. and whoever gets it,either share it or take the whole thing for yourself and be scolded by everybody else. have your choice.

i will throw all the way up to there too. don’t worry. or i can save some for them. the ones behind,you see me okay? (yes.) yes? okay, yeah? how many peoplein the back? a lot? how come the other daywe can squeeze and today we cannot? can you squeeze? (more people.) behindso that they can come more to the front.

squeeze more, come on. let’s do it. so they can catch some cakes. otherwise, you’ll get fat. if you catch all the cakes,you’ll get fat. come over, move it. now if the men’s areahas room, you can sit, but don’t sit in the middle of the men. don’t tempt them,they already have difficulty.

(that’s right.) everybody’s in the room, right?(yes.) see, we can do it. sorry. i’m sorry i did not notice before. i thought this is all the capacity, but then i remembered last time, we could squeeze more than this. if you have a problem, just sit on the shoulders ofthe bigger person.

i told you already,your master is a loser. i have no moneyto buy you a bigger land. (no.) we have some. we have a bigger house,but we’re not allowed to use it. bureaucracy again. we have in the north,can seat at least 6,000 people. comfortably. and if squeezing like this,it could be double. but we’re not allowed to use it.

maybe in the future, maybe. you okay?all of you can see now? (yes.) if you cannot, the ones behind,just stand up and have a look. i look the same like yesterday. now you’re very happy.(yes.) because you’rewaiting for the cakes. (yes.) cakes arewhat brings people together. so how aboutwe have some of this first? one moment, i wipe my hands.

so you can take some of this home and mix it with other cakesto make it multiply. blessing has no limit. share with neighbors. (yes.) i start with this, but oh, man. i should eat more, so i have more energy to throw longerlike a footballer or basketballer. share, share. one each, yeah?

so that everybody has someand happy. take one only. because we don’t have enough timeto keep shopping for you. too many, the shops are all empty,we take everything. it’s not about money or time. staff is also short. told you already. they have to go fetch you at the airport, they have to bring you back to the airport,they have to take care of other things,

and they have togo shopping, cooking. you see? we don’t havethe whole planet here for me. all right. something better is cominginto your life. something better coming to your life. any coughing people? coughing people? (thank you.) only if you’re coughing. coughing? (coughing.)

you coughing? freddy! you are funny, even here. coughing? there, that is a real one. some more here. (coughing. coughing.) i don’t hear anything! maybe i’m deaf?

here. for her, for her. not just raise your hand,you have to cough! it’s for the light. the light is coughing. see, they like cakes better than me. they never criticize cakes. ice cream! ice cream, westerners only. you chinese can buy itin formosa (taiwan).

i don’t mean to discriminate. okay? (yes.) one more here,for the westerners. you share with each other,chinese cakes. share, share, share around.(thanks.) brown sugar cube! who eats that? you’re happy, yes? (yes!) everybody has? (yes!)

you’re still licking ice cream? lasts so long? or you’re too busy catching? the front doesn’t have? the front has enough, right? you have enough, right?(yes. we have you.) yeah, more close. (yes). closer than them. so it’s okay.

so let them have cakes. (yes.) so next time, you just sit here,i don’t have to give you anything. i give all to the back people. is that okay?(yes. very happy.) happy. (yes, happy.) it’s okay? (yes.) you’re all happy you have something?(yes! thank you, master.) catch! for him! don’t “oh” anything!

“oh, oh, oh.” you have only one word hereall the time. you can’t speak. “oh! oh!” okay. that’s it. cakes are the thingsthat make people happy. i learned like that. good, hey? love it, huh? so how many people going tomorrow?

i mean after this. tomorrow? for morning? oh, still a lot of people here! how many still stay… tomorrow is the 1st, right? how many people stayuntil the 1st, midnight? first of september, midnight. or after. first and after. raise hand.

wow! wow, wow, wow. i mean from september 1st until after. wow. a lot still. you stay as long as you want. okay? and if we don’t have staff to buy food, then you go on footand bring the food home. if we don’t have anybody to cook,then you go in the kitchen, cook. (yes.) that’s a boy and girl!

or you become breatharian. that will last you one day only. one hour, no? it’s not a lot, is it? some of you have some…? or how many haveonly two cookies of any kind? raise hand. no, i saw you have threeon your hand right now, even. okay, guys!

that’s it. the party is over. (no!) before you were, “ow, ow!” and now, you, “oh, oh.” what? wow, no need language. i understand very well. before, “ow, ow!” it’s like dogs. that means happy becausedogs are always happy no matter what.

oh, my god, we humanshave something in common with dogs. because they’re happy,they also “ow, ow, ow!” and then you also. and “oh, oh,” this is… what is that? it’s some donkey or something, no? you are a garbage person? he’s collecting garbage. but some chinese liketo take them home for souvenir.

(yes, yes!) and they put iton the frame, like dã©coration. dã©coration, dã©coration. french. dã©coration. i don’t want to leave you guys also, but everything has a time, and if i am still here,i’ll swing down to see you. (yay!) if. but after tomorrow,there will be only a couple of persons left. doesn’t matter.

it’s not the number that counts, yeah? so i love you guys very much,and thanks for coming. (we love you, master.) even if i can go on forever,you cannot. you must go home, andyou have your things to do. (and thank you very much.) you’re welcome, love. if your husbands and wivessay anything, just tell them, “oh, please be quiet.

i only see master once in a while. i see you every day. so you are more important than master.” so tell them to… some zip. zip-zip. it’s not fair, right? you see each other, husband and wife, day in,day out for many years. i only see you once in a while. some don’t even come often.

maybe once a lifetimeor two, three times in a lifetime. that’s nothing. they shouldn’t be jealous. they should feel happy andproud that even i want him, not just her, but i want himbecause he’s good. see what i mean? so she should be proud thatsuch a good husband, very desirable, very wanted. so master even wants to see him. should be proud.

tell her, tell your husband,your wife like that, like you’re a very valuable person. you’re wanted everywhere,“dead or alive.” no, alive, yes. dead, no. if you’re dead,don’t come here. okay? please. we only have room for… live people. if a coffin comes here,it takes a lot of space, right?

suppose he comes here,he’s dead already and comes here, we have to buy a coffin. it takes up so much space. i was thinking alreadyto build like two stories, like, one more layer on top. so when you come in,you crawl in, and the other person climbs up,also crawls in. or boxes like japanese offices,some of them. i was thinking the other day,

because i was telling youthat if you live in a smaller house, less cleaning to do. just a car vacuum is okay,vacuum cleaning is enough, and you don’t have tohave a lot of furniture, don’t have to clean the furniture a lot. maybe you need just one tv,and a bed, and a sofa, and a coffee table,something to put your clothes in. so even one room is enough if you are single, andif you’re husband and wife,

then you have double than that,a double one, double that room. it should be okay, no? because i feel very comfortablein a smaller space, so i don’t have to run aroundand looking for my things, wasting my time, and also sometimes in the night,you go looking. and you’re more concentratedin a smaller room. so at home, if you don’thave a small room, you just go in your bathroomand meditate there.

it’s smaller, andyou feel the sound clearer. easier to concentrate. how come the japanesepeople are so intelligent. maybe because they livein smaller houses. no, they do! their houses are like matchboxes. if you go through tokyo,if you fly over, you see all the houses,so small, small. or if you drive by car or something,you’ll find their houses are very small

because japan is (comprised of)very small islands, and they have a lot of people,big population. and many of their places are mountains, so the flat areasare not that abundant, you see? so they have to share. they share bathrooms,even in hospitals. they share bathrooms,they share showers, they share toilets. i mean, the staffand the people, all together. and in the hospital,even private hospital in japan,

even if you have money,you still have only one room, and you have to share a bathroom,toilet with everybody else in the corridor. if you’re a millionaire,billionaire, it’s the same. and mostly,their house is very small because very expensiveto buy even small houses. their land is precious. so in japan, when you cometo the rice harvest time, oh, my god, it feels likeevery little grain of rice is gold to them, and they stack the straw

very neatly as ifin the first class supermarket, like the strohholm (straw),all measured like… just like the strohholm… where…? i threw it away already,so now i don’t have. thanks to you. or like this. keep it, keep it. so like this, all togetherin one size precisely, as if they use the measurementto measure each straw,

so that when they stack them together,it’s very neat and tidy. very, very nice looking. and where i lived before,i have a wooden cabin in japan. i think some of you know? also in a mountainous area,and i lived in the forest. but i don’t live there anymore, of course. i bought it, and thenthe japanese disciples use it. i came just to improve it here and there,and then i don’t live there. i used to, just for a while,few weeks.

and then, near my house,there’re some fields. their rice fields arejust a few meters square. it looks so precious,and they cut the grass, and everything they take carepicobello, perfect. they appreciate everything they have. there are some…some cabbages, the white cabbage,it grows this big only. and the rice,you can buy from a machine, as if very precious.

just a little bag like this. you put some money inand the bag comes out. and here, we take by kilos! yes. over there,everything seems precious. or some pickled turnip,there are different kinds. there’s a kind of turnip that isvery wrinkled all over outside, looks very ugly. but when they make it pickled,it tastes very nice with breakfast. and for example,in formosa (taiwan),

they just put it all overin the supermarket, and you go and take it by kiloor take the whole thing. or even if they put itin the can, it’s a big can. in japan, the can… about… cabbage, the pickled… i’m not telling a lie. i have some in the kitchen. i prove it if you want.

about this big. precious. but it tastes delicious. they really appreciate what they do. so even a little pickle, it tastes so good becausethey chop it very, very fine, so you don’t have to chew it too hard. because this can be very hard to chew. in chinese, they cut itin the whole length, big,

so it’s up to you,you chop it or not chop it. but in japan, they makeso thin, so fine, so precious. when i was in japan,i was in love with that, and i ate just with rice and someboiled stuff, and i loved it. are you japanese? no? no, i was in japan for seven years. you look like japanese. especially the eyes. probably you eat too muchof these pickles.

and also, they have this kind of yellowsweet potato that i love so much. it tastes like nothing else,anywhere else. it is so like, it’s not so wetand like some of the yellow potatoes. it’s kind of, not powdery, but the substance is not wetand not mushy. and when you roast it,i roasted it in the fire, it’s delicious. you know this one or not?(yes.)

but i ate some of those in other countries,it’s not as good as that. maybe i was hungry there. because in japan,everything seems so precious. they don’t eat a lotlike what we do here. they don’t eat a lot of cakeslike what you do here. everything, just a little bit. so i told you already,when i went to the japanese restaurant, they had a big bowl like this,like a washing bowl, like washing-vegetable bowl.

inside, just… like that. i’m not joking. i have witnesses. the bowl is about this big,very big and deep. and just a little bit at the bottom,little bit… and then, put it in the fridge for a long timebefore they serve it to you. in tokyo. everything in japan is like symbolic.

eating, also symbolic. and the person who developedthe wooden cabins area, he’s a beautiful japanese man. he has green eyes. i wonder! japanese, has green eyes! i haven’t seen the japanesewith green eyes. he’s the only one i saw with green eyes,from all the japanese i saw. maybe there are some more,i don’t know.

and he even cooked for me. big bowl of noodles,half of a mushroom only. and that’s very generousof him already, to share. and the noodles,they are also very symbolic. they already put salt in there so that you don’t have toadd any other condiments, and you can eat it like that. normally, they eatwithout mushrooms even. so i don’t know how he had this xiang gu,the fragrant mushroom.

and he had two of them, so we are four,so he shared, half each. for four bowls, full of noodles,half a mushroom each. so don’t complain that you getonly three biscuits around here. lucky you don’t havea japanese master. and the noodle’s already salted. i’m not used to japanese style. honestly, i was very touched by his generosity and caringto cook for me even.

he’s a japanese man. normally, women serve him. but he cooked for us, cooked for me and two monk attendantsor nun attendants at that time. so we’re four: he, me, and the two. four, so he cut the mushroomsinto four and gave it to us. he was very generous. he fried the mushroom first,of course. not too bad. and then, he boiled the noodlesand put the mushroom on top.

and i kind of asked the attendant, “is there any condiment that we… you know, like soya sauce?” so he told methe noodles are already salty. i could hardly swallow it becausei’m not used to japanese style. the salty noodles are really salty. but just salty. i’m used to with, you know,a little bit this and that. coriander, and then a little soya sauce,a little black pepper.

nothing! nothing of the sort! just white noodlesand half a mushroom on top. and i tried to eat like,okay, you know, “wow!” what am i to do? the guy is absolutely adorable. he’s so kind, so genuine, and so honest,a very, very good neighbor. he also has a cabin,not next to,

but in the same compound with me,and he saved one for himself. so, everything in japan is very small. they put their things on the stairs also,to save space. and they sleep on tatami. many of them still do it. on tatami so that in the daytime,they room it in the corner, and then it becomes a living room again. and it’s very lucky people alreadywho can buy such a house. in the city, it’s like that.

in the suburbs, maybeyou can be more generous. and if you go in the first class hotel, of course, you havemore generous room. you pay. you pay. but ordinary people,a young couple, they can’t affordto buy even a small house in the city. they can work their whole life, but they never, they cannot buy a houseunless they’re with the parents already

and put money togetherand then inherit it. that’s what they say. i’m not very sure about itbecause i didn’t inquire about it. i just read or see somethingon the television. wow. the house is truly small, man. if you really go there, low level of airplane or you go by trainor something even – you go through both sides,you see houses –

truly, very, very small. and i was thinking, maybe because of that,they’ve become so smart. they can concentrate more. they’re not too distractedby space and by things. they learn to live with moresimple means and to share. they share their bathrooms,share everything. maybe it could be the reason. i don’t mean they arethe smartest people

on the planet, but they’re very smart compared tomany other asian countries. and very small,they are very small islands. there’s not a lot of natural resourcesor anything much. they imported a lot of things. even materials for cars,they have to import, too. and even for that, they can still sell it cheapand make it safe. so they must be very smart people.

thanks to all the zen buddhist templesthat their boss sends them to. so meditation is really a must, also. and living in a small house,it helps. so don’t sell all your housesand live in a small house and blame me if you feel claustrophobic. everyone is different. for me, i prefer a small house. i feel more concentrated in there, easy, and don’t waste time to look for things,don’t waste time to clean,

and don’t have torely on assistants to clean. so i really think i should go now. i don’t want to. it’s okay, it’s okay. wait, wait. i can jump. i can jump. i love you very much.(i love you, master.) that’s all i can say. okay?(thank you, master.) sorry that the time is too short.

it will always be too short,(yes.) even if you stay there long. but maybe short is better,you appreciate it or… yeah? (yes.) because also you can afford it better. if you stay long,then you don’t work, and your wife complains,your husband complains. your company complains.(customer complains.) customer complains.

children complain. neighbors complain. “how come i haven’t seen your housewith the light on for so long?” everything, complain. complain, complain. wow. it’s good that today i don’t cough so much. i’m so happy, really. yes. thanks god. so that’s a good note to go home with:“master’s not coughing!”

it may mean nothing to you, but for me, the one for whomit’s difficult to go out to see doctors, giving idsand all that, it’s true relief. apart from that, my fragile body felt like it broke into pieceswhen i coughed, before. it’s too violently coughed,too violent, and i felt really likemy body is going to fall apart. it was scary. so i really appreciate it very much.

it might not mean that muchto you, but i’m really happy, i keep repeating it. okay, yeah? you want to say something? no, huh? just say goodbye.(we love you, master.) i love you guys. please take care. always love you, master. take care. i will try my best.

i really don’t want to go. i just feel like,“why do i have to go? and why do you have to go?” but it’s very difficult for me to go. just like when i say goodbye to my dogs. even how many times,it is very difficult. but with you, even more difficult because i know we don’tsee each other that often. and it’s very difficult for you to comefor many different reasons.

not just wife and husband and kids,but many other reasons. and i appreciate yoursincerity and your friendship (please take care.) and your love, of course. and i wish you all the best. coming home, safe. and improved, elevated, high level,flying above the fifth. love you.

thank you, too,for being good people. everybody saw me, right?(yes.) anybody who did not see,raise hand. all have seen. all have seen, master. i really love you. i don’t want to go, but since my time is up really, love. yes, master. we know.

every day i have a limited timeto see you. if i don’t obey that,then i’ll be in big trouble. yes. we know. maybe not now,but in the long run later. yes. thank you, master. love you very much.(take care, master.) really love you very much. we will pray for you. thank you. thank you.

thank you for your love,your prayers, and your friendship. and your trust,and your diligence in practice. bye. goodbye. i love you forever, master. i love you so much. what to do? if some of you stay,maybe i’ll come back, see you. (okay.) if you stay. (yes.)

the one who stays. and the one who goes,god bless you. be safe. (god bless you.) have a safe trip. bye-bye!

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